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  • Not if you aren't DW and don't have enough goons to break the universe.
  • aws, no hope for me?
    nope, VI doesnt excel in late stage wl kts.
  • Btw I got 367 with Multiple Terrain, not my Misty.
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  • aws, no hope for me?
    Ok so basically you should perceive this as your learning experience and NEVER go LD defense on a volc with low pop!!! 0_o
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  • aws, no hope for me?
    Ok so basically you should perceive this as your learning experience and NEVER go LD defense on a volc with low pop!!! 0_o
    I'm wondering how long it will hold up actually?

    I had high res/racks, but I know LDs are spindly, die easy, not sure what it the rate per hit these days.
    When I played volcanic, i was all tanks in the past, but this era looks different.
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