Pissed off the multis...
December 8, 03:13:39 HollyMolly (1:15) im not putting in any effort this round
December 8, 03:13:52 HollyMolly (1:15) im aiming for 500 dw multis out of newbie on both s1 and s2 next round
December 8, 03:15:25 HollyMolly (1:15) so dont worrey requiem
December 8, 03:15:28 HollyMolly (1:15) your time will come
December 8, 03:17:33 HollyMolly (1:15) I told u.
December 8, 03:17:50 HollyMolly (1:15) I don;t forgive, I don;t forget, Expect me.
That line is what the Internet alias known as "Anonymous" uses. They've been making vidoes in reference to heavy anti-government propagonda, claiming l33t hacking skillz, trying to wake america up, etc. etc.
really lame.
"We can't do shit, we're prolly 11 yrs old with mediocre video making knowledge, we DL'd the matrix glitch hack program OMFGDOHZERIZAHAXJOOREALGOOD"
BLowinCloudmatic (1:3)
Sector Leader
Subject: (Blank). Sent on December 12, 00:45:58
Kematian akan hujan turun dari langit ke atas kerajaan kecil anda
Thats malay..now english
Death will rain down from the sky on your small kingdom..