'm using skato's simulator which is fairly out of date, this was run on a TF with +10% max research only.
Name: Sir Sim
Land: 398
Networth: 46,109
Money: 31,261 Income: 27941
Power: 20,000
Population: 6,929
Honour: 1,200
Planet Type: Terraform
Soldiers: 706 + 154 (rax are maxed, i think they went over but sim says they didnt, mobi)
LTs: 550 + 278 training (non mobi)
Tanks: 504
Scientists: 302 +128 training (in mobi)
Probes: 2,316
All bonuses maxed, fusion @ 50%
exploring 35 land, 17 free land
I missed on an opportunity to max explore, didn't see it while I was in mobi
Land reward was taken and built ASAP
Money reward was taken at 60, 29 and 5 - when state changes occur to boost military.
Probes will get you through inactives (265 land) 8x no prob.
I had to guess at power management, sim doesnt show power fluctuation
You're gonna get fusion very early (34h if you keep 300 sci there)
Max robs
the left over soldiers should easily get you to safe D (1k LTs, 300 tanks) and hitting inacts easily
you can also make plenty of sci from left over soldiers
probes & income you're on about 50k / h, maybe 60k considering 15-20% income bonus instead of 10%
and the actual fan of events if you wanna look through it. Of course it assumes 24h activity as it is a sim
22:00, day 1: Server was set to Server 1.
22:00, day 1: a new Terraform kingdom was created in the universe.
22:00, day 1: Referal reward taken
22:00, day 1: the following was build:
- 48 Probe factories
22:00, day 1: the following was build:
- 80 Starmines
22:00, day 1: 24 Land was explored.
22:00, day 1: The following research orders where issued:
22:00, day 1: rFusion: 10
22:00, day 1: Tax changed to:5%
22:00, day 1: Sectorstate changed to:Mobilization
22:00, day 1:
22:00, day 1: The following was trained:
- 24 Scientists trained
1:00, day 2: Land reward taken
2:00, day 2: the following was build:
- 16 Starmines
== trained sci, 12 at a time
10:00, day 2: Money reward taken
10:00, day 2:
10:00, day 2: The following was trained:
- 72 Scientists trained
10:00, day 2: Nano Bots purchased
10:00, day 2: Sectorstate changed to:Growth
11:00, day 2: the following was razed:
- 7 Nuclear power plants
11:00, day 2: the following was build:
- 16 Barracks
=== trained soldiers
21:00, day 2: the following was razed:
- 3 Nuclear power plants
21:00, day 2: the following was build:
- 16 Training camps
== trained more soldiers
0:00, day 3: Land reward taken
0:00, day 3: 24 Soldiers trained.
1:00, day 3: the following was build:
- 16 Training camps
==still training soldiers
9:00, day 3: 24 Land was explored.
9:00, day 3: 48 Soldiers trained.
10:00, day 3: Nano Bots purchased
13:00, day 3: the following was build:
- 16 Barracks
17:00, day 3: 18 Land was explored. --- to make use of growth discount
17:00, day 3: Sectorstate changed to:Mobilization
17:00, day 3: Money reward taken
17:00, day 3:
17:00, day 3: The following was trained:
- 360 Tanks trained
18:00, day 3: Solar Winds purchased
== trained tanks
22:00, day 3: The following was trained:
- 120 LaserTroopers trained
0:00, day 4: the following was build:
- 16 Residences
= trained more LTs
0:00, day 4: Land reward taken
== still training LTs
3:00, day 4: the following was build:
- 16 Residences
3:00, day 4:
== trained more LTs
4:00, day 4: 12 Soldiers trained.
5:00, day 4: 120 Soldiers trained.
== more soldiers
11:00, day 4: 24 Land was explored.
11:00, day 4: 96 Soldiers trained.
12:00, day 4: the following was build:
- 16 Nuclear power plants
12:00, day 4: 48 Soldiers trained.
12:00, day 4: Nano Bots purchased
== lots more soldiers
16:00, day 4:
16:00, day 4: The following was trained:
- 60 Scientists trained
17:00, day 4: Money reward taken
17:00, day 4: The following was trained:
- 120 Scientists trained
17:00, day 4:
17:00, day 4: The following was trained:
- 48 Scientists trained
17:00, day 4: Sectorstate changed to:Growth
== trained LTs
20:00, day 4: 24 Land was explored.
=== and more LTs
It's a probe & research build - something I think it achieves rather well; You could do one or the other better for sure, but the goal was getting both
It's as important what you do with the build as what the build is in this case - use the robs (200k ~) to make 500 more LTs (having you at 1250 LTs by day 2) plus 300 tanks home and bonuses that'll have you at 900-1k tank D.
96 land (assuming u hit inacs in your sector+ ur 16 free land), 16 TCs, 32 rax, 32 res, 16 PFs;
Use any left over money + income on scis, should be making about 150 sci every 4 ticks. that's 1300 scis in trained/in training by day 2. Should be enough to get fusion in the first 24h and EC in the first 72 aprox. Just off the top of my head, 12h margin
golduck for life
Good on mag, shame on shittalkers, though i agree there is better ways to spend your chedda.