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Chicago Cemetary



  • I still like my way more. :)
  • *When I first played the game as a camp counselor we decided roles with playing cards...throwback style yo.
  • what if aza has no deck of cards?
  • there are a TON of online randomizers...just assign everyone a number then randomize the dice roll and see what it lands on. Google it :-p
  • I prefer online randomizers for randomizing. There's a list one that if I remember correctly lets you define all the parameters.
  • You people just don't appreciate a good deck of cards! :p
  • I used excel I think
  • i just rolled it out, roles will be sent out momentarily
  • Its Chicago, 1931, and the Mob has been running the city during prohibition.
    Eliot Ness plans to change that, and armed with his group of Untouchables, he just might have a chance!

    The Roles
    Town (11/11)- Pretty Straight forward, i think.
    Chicago Police Dept (4/4) - pretty much worthless against the mob, but they know who eachother are (masons)
    Eliot Ness (1/1) - the master detective, sworn to bring down Al Capone whatever the cost. once per night he can investigate somebody to see their role (seer). knows The Untouchables
    The Untouchables (2/2) - the small but elite crime fighting team, once per night they may CHOOSE to kill one player (vigilante). knows Eliot Ness

    The Mafia (4/4)- may CHOOSE to kill 1 player per night. knows Al Capone
    Al Capone (1/1) - twice per game, Al may make a kill separate of the Mafia. Knows the Mafia.

    The Rules:

    Chief of Police: every day the town may elect a chief of police, who can block one player's action that night. if he blocks a mafia or untouchable, their kill chance is decreased by an amount equal to the remaining members against the total number of members (if there are 3 mafia, and you block one, mafia has a 2/3 chance of getting their kill)

    to vote for a chief of police, the format is simply *(name), for example *Azahasahugecock would be one vote for azahasahugecock to be mayor. if you change your vote, go back to the post of your previous vote and take the star away, if you do not, and you have multiple votes, your vote will not count that day, and you will be given a darwin award.

    3 darwin awards and you get mod killed

    to vote for lynch all you have to do is # and the name, so it will be #meadowswillyoumarryme would be a vote for meadowswillyoumarryme for lynch

    the seer role will not be given their finding until after the night has resolved, because i dont like how that played out

    we will actually be starting on Day 0, where you will ONLY choose a Chief of Police.

    the game starts soon, roles are going to be going out now
  • Heh, first mob-killed! Should I take that like being the first KTd in a war? lol
  • Sure why not
  • lol in what? xP
  • Gravedigger, start digging a grave for meadows, the werewolf.
  • At least I died putting mafia into the ground!
  • You got lucky
  • Heh perhaps, but it was still a better death than mine :) nice job glo
  • edited November 2014
    well...getting here was unavoidable i guess
  • good jobunreliable much improved
  • watching the game from outside is amusing :)

  • Welcome loafery, chaos incarnated...
  • cant be any more blatantly obvious
  • flazer u always say that but never deliver
  • i apologize, i feel like i really sucked as a mod for this game. i should not have tried to do it when i had so much going on in my life right now.
  • Aza, you ran a good game. Don't beat yourself up.
  • I'm always thankful for mods.
  • edited November 2014
    yeah, fk you aza and your nicely done ww :)

    er, i mean, good job
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