First of all: GG to you,
This round we actually had about 10-20 actual players returning to SK, Players who can make this game more fun for everyone. Instead, we see alot of them being KTed by some multies.
What is your goal? to fight the othter set of multies? to make people quit SK? or just enjoying everyone being pissed off to the point they might quit and never return again?
That was it.
great spam
This round already sucked because of BCartfall, but you made this round alot more fubar then it was. Round66: Round of multi-trolling.
Same thing happens every time i decide to play a round. I achieve rank 1 then get multi raped for no reason.
Not sure why you would even accuse me of this. I guess i'm an easy target to shift the blame on. I'd put my money on it that the multis won't touch your kingdom tho.
and multis have hit me already :P
multis exist every round. We sign up knowing hey I could get killed out of newb. Lumber has killed 6-7 now and they are suiciding sooo they should start dying relatively quick now. No need to get your panties in a wad.
Also fen sectors that are stuck should just ask Mary to disband and reform so they can't do that ya know
I would back up the last of the AF, and pass on the KT to Fenriz AF.
Man...Veii is killed off, so what are the chances?
My order is clones of clones is too slow to stop the multi.
I also suspect the culprit is probably in my alliance as well, but being an alliance that was created more or less at the last moment, I don't know who is hiding in my alliance that may or may not be responsible, if indeed they are in my alliance.
but we are also actively working to kill these multis
Bcart wont remove multis, but maintains and updates an sk twitter?
common rob, obviously legit