Actually you can't take max explore and divide by 2 when newb starts you ususally explore 8-11 hours later roughly. Can't do that as no land is out of production yett. the closest you could even get 12 more land exploring is at hour 18 maybe i haven't mathd it yet
i believe you get best results by exploring 12 at a time and taking the reward at a good moment to lift you there. its tricky though, as KD's will be smaller and have more troops relatively
Its about to get tricky, I've now stopped exploring till newbie ends and once I've made a few hits I'll pick back up on exploring again so that there will be less time with no land being explored.
Haha really? Our second and third sets of grabs will come before anyone else. Im Misty and chance are I will be on my 4th set WITH War Gate and EC done... land is at a premium this round and the Newbie Warp Gate is the perfect Strat to end ANY Newbie, but even better this round.
The real solution is to not explore. Ever.
DWs need to explore early to go high res so they can smash people out of newb!
Domination is imminent.
But I don't know wtf I'm doing. If it worked, it was by accident :P