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Current state of WW

edited August 2014 in General
Quite frankly I'm a little burned out been playing ww non stop since november last year. We've had the simple ones and the complex ones and I was ok with both formats, but nowadays the rules seem to get more complex and the roles are just darn too complicated. The complexity of the game kind of takes away the psychological aspect of ww and it's the reasons you play ww, you want to find out who the mafia are not just get lucky or play strategically. There was a fresh idea that we should all make new forum ids and play because we all know how each other plays so it'll be something new. For now I think we should have a hiatus until september until ppl get back to school and the summer is over.


  • If I'm yo be completely honest I'm tired of the way ww is played here the last truly fun ww i saw here for absurd and fun reasons was my matrix. meadows was really fun doles great ax ww was great and mages pirates was grand as well as corys minecraft and the etc.

    The rules aren't getting more convulted people just don't care to put the time in. people honestly complained about mt inactive and voteing rules and its dumb. All the rules i posted were pretty stock its a good thing we don't inforce the no edit policy or games would have a one or two day cycle.

    meh there's a lot to be said
  • I would mostly agree, except that I think we owe unreliable a chance to run his game, since he put work into it. After that, I think a month or two break would be good. I know personally if I run another it's going to be a very barebones, easy game that places everything on interaction. But I do think we need a break, soon.
  • edited August 2014
    we could take the break now and run mine after it. (if i didnt die IRL)

    not gonna demand people join my game...neither will feel bad they dont want to play, everyone has reasons to do whatever they are doing based on their own personal experience.
  • btw, what about scavenger hunt? is it happening? i'm really anxious to lose at day one if she asks for something i can only find outside my house.
  • If you wanna break before yours in hopes of getting more people when we come back, that's understandable. If you wanna run yours, then break, I'd still play.
  • I'm kinda new to the whole thing....I think that the idea of new forum IDs might be good. As a new player, I felt like a lot of decisions were made because of what people knew about others. You could even make the IDs standard like WW1, WW2, etc.
  • edited August 2014
    Our decision to lynch you last game was cuz we tried to kill u the night before and it was deflected to a random person :)
  • but wouldnt the person with WW1 ID get lynched day 1? :P
  • XD That's kinda awesome. Thanks to Damdred for that one :D. But I still feel like people knew other people and the way they play.
  • edited August 2014
    Yeah. We do that. I think fall and winter will bring more skrs back to play ww
  • I know if cory mages aren't dead day 3 or revealed I'm killing them as town
  • I'm like a dog chasing cars in ww
  • edited August 2014
    I really need a new identity myself. It's become cumbersome to play as I know no matter the role I'm dead within days. It's hard to contribute to the side of good.
  • Die die die die
  • Yes, people always want to kill the Dole. Stupid Ess Bee gave himself away real easily last game day 1.
  • There are only 2 major problems I think.

    The first is that this is the season when activity in SK dies down, so forum users naturally die down. Combine this with the fact that SK has been dwindling away for years now, and it's no surprise that WW activity is dying. Plus we have been a little over saturated with WW.

    The second thing is everybody wants to make WW their own. I'm guilty of this as well. Everybody tries to put that unique thing on the WW that'll say "this was my WW". As others have mentioned, we've gotten too far from the basics.

    I think there are some other problems as well (mainly people just voting or being entirely silent.) but these are the 2 main problems I see.

    Also the fuck are you talking about dole xD
  • I agree that it's really silly to have such an automatic "let's kill so and so" mentality. There are players that I rank above others in terms of skill, but I think it's stupid that some players always want to kill specific people. I don't agree that we need new forum names, because I think learning to read other players and learning to bluff is what makes this game fun. We might as well be an RNG if we played without knowing who we all are. But, I understand the frustration that people have with getting killed all the time because other players just don't play well. I can't express how mad I have been when trying to organize a good lynch only to have it fail because a bunch of people wanted to kill somebody who was not as active in their play style. I think that is stupid, as well as counter productive. I've been starting to just assume that players who say those things are evil in game, and if they are good, they were certainly not going to be useful anyway, so it's better for us if they die.
  • Why do you think you died night one SB?
  • Why do you think you died night one SB?
    I think thats coincidence, as I really wasn't sure if you were in the game or not. But you were the 4th person on a wagon and that's normally a bad sign. I was going to pick whoever the 4th person was and it just happened to be you.
  • 3rd person and I posted the same time as the 2nd person, do you really think I'm so foolish if I was bad to do the same thing? I was trying to break a tie between Meadows and Arson. I have a feeling you either are severely retarded or you think that I am severely retarded.
  • I was confident that one of 2 things would happen

    First that nobody would listen to me and the train would go on without me, but I wouldn't have voted for a good guy. Which is what I wanted and expected.

    The second thing was that people would listen to me and end up voting you. Which I'd be okay with. Really it didn't matter. I just wanted to post a vote that wasn't on the train to make it look like I was active. The fact that it was you had nothing to do with it.

    The fact that you had a killing role and interpreted my vote against you as an attempt to kill you is coincidence, as I in fact had no major intention to kill you. You just happened to be the 4th vote on a train. I could vote you without causing a major incident.
  • Keep in mind I was a bad guy so what I think you would do as a bad guy is irrelevant. I only care what everybody else thinks you would do as a bad guy, and I believe the idea that a bad guy would be the 4th person to vote on a train is very believable.
  • Yes, but the fact that you would never be so stupid as a good guy was a dead give away. Never in any other game were you so dead set on something so stupid.
  • I think if it hadn't been you, it wouldn't have been picked up on at all.

    Not to mention I really never did see you signup and you weren't in the playerlist.
  • I was on the bottom of the playerlist and I definitely signed up loudly... and then we made jokes that Damdred mod killed me before the game started.
  • Agree 100% with Loafery's OP. As was said in the other thread, I'd prefer more traditional ww's in the future.
  • He died night one because he called me with his role. I was a newly minted serial killer.
  • Attaboy Newb.
  • Serial killers fa life
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