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cultural origins and stuff

edited July 2014 in General
So we know that it would take about 5000 years for everything we have made in the world today to disappear completely if humans stopped existing. We also theorize that humans have actually been around for over 180000 years, due to fossil records. What if this isn't the first time we've been at this point in human development? In the bible there is the story of babel, of how humanity tried to reach god and it all fell apart. What if that was a story about humanity reaching for apace, like we are now, and an asteroid hit and sent us back to the stone age. Noah's flood could be a similar story, one that is retold in many different cultures around the world.

No hate, no religion bashing, let's just talk possibilities and fantasies


  • edited July 2014
    I believe this is Humans 4th attempt. That we were at one point much more advanced than we are today, but we continue to find new ways to blow ourselves up. In the god aspect, the almighty wants us to find a way to coexist, Utopia, or world piece, but every time we fail (like we are now), The chessboard is cleared, pieces reset, and the game continues once more. He wants us to have free will, to govern ourselves, but without war, death and distruction.
  • It would be nice if there were a "secret history" but I highly doubt it based on the available evidence. It's more than likely that we are the first of our kind.
  • I think I won't be living in outer space :(
  • How is it more likely, sky?
  • What iteration of the matrix are we in?
  • What iteration of the matrix are we in?
    The one where North Korea wins and were all slaved up for his entertainment.
  • In the God aspect, world peace is a sign of the end times and an era of evil. I don't think it is unfair to assume that an utopian society that that all gets along with each other can find ways to destroy the society itself unintentionally. Atlantis is a good representation of that. When a society working towards one ultimate goal creates technology that they do not fully understand it can become easy for that society to destroy themselves with said technology.

    I also don't think humans were the first intelligent civilization to habituate Earth. Some of the old stories could be in reference to other intelligent civilizations
  • Asteroid completely wipes us out, how long does it take for modern man to evolve all over again? That's what makes it seem unlikely to me.

    I would say we are the first intelligent species on earth, but I also think it is silly to say there isn't another similar species out there somewhere... universe is a pretty big place ;)
  • I just listened to a Joe Rogan podcast where his guest was talking about the evidence that the end of the last full ice age and the rising ocean and other stuff that is way the fuck out of my league is what sunk Atlantis. He also said some pretry crazy stuff about climate change that really freaked me out.
  • Zeal: the idea is that a few humans managed to survive, like all the old stories tell us. But that a good 95% + got wiped out and we lost all cultural and technological advancements.
  • Asteroid completely wipes us out, how long does it take for modern man to evolve all over again? That's what makes it seem unlikely to me.

    I would say we are the first intelligent species on earth, but I also think it is silly to say there isn't another similar species out there somewhere... universe is a pretty big place ;)
  • It has all happened before and will happen again
  • Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.
  • edited July 2014
    Statistically speaking, as Zeal says, it is more than likely that there is life elsewhere in the Universe. In fact, I think that we'll discover in our future that the Universe is teeming with life, both advanced and otherwise, and that evolution on Earth is nothing special.
    How is it more likely, sky?
    Evolution into the modern Human can be quite clearly traced throughout history. The fossil record shows us slowly evolving into what would be described as 'anatomically modern humans' around 200,000 years ago.

    However, the question you asked was: "What if this isn't the first time we've been at this point in human development?"

    I suppose that nothing is impossible. Humanity could've developed similar levels of technology, science and other things at different points in history, but there's no proof of that. There are probably billions of theories out there about all sorts of things but "experts" generally only start taking a theory seriously once evidence materializes that supports it and there just isn't any right now for Humans having been similarly developed in the past.

    At the end of the day, it all comes down to evidence no matter what our personal beliefs are. And the available evidence doesn't conform to Biblical history either. I've found, after reading this kind of stuff for nearly two decades and being a staunch supporter of conspiracies and religious doctrine until I grew a brain cell, that the people proposing these sorts of ideas are just trying to validate themselves by trying to make the evidence fit their theory. That completely contradicts the essence of the Scientific Method and that's why most experts don't take these people seriously. No-one wants to be told that they wasted their entire lives on something that's wrong so most of them are just trying to make as much money from it as they can by convincing people who aren't able to think critically that what they are proposing is true. Never underestimate the scale of Human stupidity because you'll find that there will be some people that will support even the most preposterous of ideas. Here's one example:

  • Like the ending of battlestar galactica or ice piercer or that other one where they land on that planet with a clone named eve or something

    But we all know it was something like what happened in prometheus

    We are all alien experiments really
  • i'm wondering what happens to us after we die, is there an afterlife? are we reborn?
  • I immediately think someone is an idiot when they cite a bible reference when trying to explain anything related to any type of science.

    It's like trying to accurately identify tapeworms citing The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as your reference. Entertaining but ultimately useless. Let's keep Sci Fi in the Sci Fi books
  • That flat earth theory makes absolutely no sense.
  • I immediately think someone is an idiot when they cite a bible reference when trying to explain anything related to any type of science.

    It's like trying to accurately identify tapeworms citing The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as your reference. Entertaining but ultimately useless. Let's keep Sci Fi in the Sci Fi books
    And normally i automatically assume someone is an idiot when something like this is coming out of their mouth lol. No amount of discourse or debate can proove or disprove someones belief its true, however the ability to have a constructive conversation without coming off as an asshole is what sets people apart
  • We have figured out a lot in our world by trying to prove or disprove the bible. The problem with that kind of thinking is that the bible, at least the first few books, is a written account of an oral tradition that goes back a couple thousand years. No, it's not accurate all the time. No, the bible is not the Devine word of God (there isn't a single book in the regular cannon that expressly states that it comes directly from God). It's a collection of stories, histories, music, letters and ideas from people who were trying to grow human knowledge. Yes, Christians can be huge ass holes sometimes, I know that about as well as anyone, but I think it's silly to rage against a book that has truly brought knowledge and complex social issues to the for front of culture for several thousand years. We still make discoveries today based on things we study from the bible. Cut it some slack.
  • There is no evidence that we were more advanced in the past.... Bible is open to interpretation and can be vague at times. What if we are some advance alien experiment place here among other random specious just to be watched from the distance as we evolve take over this planet and eventually destroy ourselves?
  • I immediately think someone is an idiot when they cite a bible reference when trying to explain anything related to any type of science.

    It's like trying to accurately identify tapeworms citing The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as your reference. Entertaining but ultimately useless. Let's keep Sci Fi in the Sci Fi books
    And normally i automatically assume someone is an idiot when something like this is coming out of their mouth lol. No amount of discourse or debate can proove or disprove someones belief its true, however the ability to have a constructive conversation without coming off as an asshole is what sets people apart
    I am perfectly capable of moving into a discussion. But saying I would have to disprove the bible before we proceed is just nonsense.

    As far as the subject at hand there has never been hard evidence to prove there were past advanced civilization. You have to think about larger evidence that we overlook that we have compelling theories on how they were constructed like stone Henge.

    Have any of you read a book called "The Footprints of God"? I read regularly and that book has had the biggest impact on my life lately on how to perceive the universe around us.

    I have plenty of beliefs and thought processes but there is nothing I won't allow to be challenged and that is the difference between me and the creationist bible thumpers.
  • There is no evidence, you are correct. There is evidence that humanity survived huge world wide catastrophes. That speaks to some kind of advancement.
  • You are looking at the wrong side of that coin. How resilient are humans? Do you really think under a cosmic scale that it would be easy to wipe out every human on the planet in one event?
  • It is estimated that on the last big event we lost about 50% of the large land animals (over 100 pounds). Humans are not as hardy as many of those animals we lost. Our advantage in surviving had to be something else.
  • what if the bible tells us when we die, we go to a different solar system?
  • Maybe it does. The writers were talking about complex issues from a place of very little understanding. Who knows what they were really talking about, there is so much odd lore in the bible.
  • Dude we re cylons
  • All I will add is that it's pretty convenient for the bible to be "open to interpretation" ;)
  • I think we put to much pressure on the old testament. Like the new testament is recentish and written in a language that was pretty good for scholarly work. It's also directlyrics written in most cases. The old testament is just a mess, for the most part.
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