No. Conferences are usually 90 mins to around 2 hours long. Microsoft's one started around 40 mins ago and Sony's one will start in just under 6 hours.
Thoughts in relation to Microsoft's one so far - *Yawn*
Cool lynog. I've been dissapointed with dayZ for a while. Rust is more exciting to play with my buddies. Speaking of zombies I was playing some killing floor last night. Great game.
Wasn't personally blown away by Microsoft....maybe Xbox people will be which is cool. The halo anniversary should be cool but not much else IMO.
i will never try another dragon age game ever again, from the amount of disappointment from dragon age 1 to 2, I cant trust it, its worse than the hype from fable 1
Thoughts in relation to Microsoft's one so far - *Yawn*
Wasn't personally blown away by Microsoft....maybe Xbox people will be which is cool. The halo anniversary should be cool but not much else IMO.
EA in 1 hour? More DA I hope.
nothing was great
fuck zombie games
can there actually be a good game? god all so disappointing
(not enough civilization and pointy haired androgynous dudes (i keed i keed))