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Religion - "Shooting people in the name of the lord"

edited March 2014 in General


  • Hell yeah bout time someone in the blue states stopped being retarded
  • i'll shoot you in the name of spamming sk with your shite if you dont stop it.
  • Problem?
  • i'll shoot you in the name of spamming sk with your shite if you dont stop it.
  • God has been historically known to have killed more people than Hitler. But no, the Bible does not defend your right to bear arms. However, the American Constitution does.
  • Only made one thread this week
  • Albinoblacksheep - how the world will end.

  • If anyone wants to hear a serious somewhat in-depth scriptural look at this subject, here's a sermon that I've heard on it. Ignore the beginning, it's just him joking around with the audience.
  • Merle, thats a little too deep for pfs, for me. 53mins too deep to be exact.
  • you can mostly ignore the first 18 minutes, but it's still prolly Tldl;

    Quick, poorly done summary:
    Yes arming yourself is ok, and self defense is ok, but you'll be held accountable for mistakes that end lives. Also, God judges the heart, so if you're one of those gun-owners who's just hoping to be attacked one day then your heart is in the wrong place. That is to say; owning a gun in the hopes of using it is wrong, owning a gun in the hopes of not using it is ok
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