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The Offical 2013 SK Awards



  • Multi owner of the year: Meadows...I trusted you, Anger even retalled for me. ._. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!
    People give their logins to be winners. Look at me I build so well even when I am asleep. I fought many FC members after they gave me their info and my enemy was on the account. Gee golly no wonder you wouldn't help. Got into it with Darubian who drew a line and wouldn't budge. We started swinging off then Screamin loans me his and Lynog was on it. I just gave up it went until I was the only one left. Sorry Darubian I realized you were right it was pointless right after the scuffle.I didn't intend to play favorites it just opened my eyes.
    lies as per usual meth head.

  • Multi owner of the year: Meadows...I trusted you, Anger even retalled for me. ._. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!
    People give their logins to be winners. Look at me I build so well even when I am asleep. I fought many FC members after they gave me their info and my enemy was on the account. Gee golly no wonder you wouldn't help. Got into it with Darubian who drew a line and wouldn't budge. We started swinging off then Screamin loans me his and Lynog was on it. I just gave up it went until I was the only one left. Sorry Darubian I realized you were right it was pointless right after the scuffle.I didn't intend to play favorites it just opened my eyes.
    lies as per usual meth head.
    Pre sure i know the kd hes talking about. I dont think you shared, but you definitely took it over

  • Multi owner of the year: Meadows...I trusted you, Anger even retalled for me. ._. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!
    People give their logins to be winners. Look at me I build so well even when I am asleep. I fought many FC members after they gave me their info and my enemy was on the account. Gee golly no wonder you wouldn't help. Got into it with Darubian who drew a line and wouldn't budge. We started swinging off then Screamin loans me his and Lynog was on it. I just gave up it went until I was the only one left. Sorry Darubian I realized you were right it was pointless right after the scuffle.I didn't intend to play favorites it just opened my eyes.
    lies as per usual meth head.
    Pre sure i know the kd hes talking about. I dont think you shared, but you definitely took it over
    i did take one of Screamins over this is the 100% truth, where the lie is, is Dank then getting access too it also. Idk why he feels the need to add this utter lie onto his story.
  • Haha its dank... everything is grand with him. Every tiny event has huge conspiracies etc
  • hahah hes always got to make it sound like he was somehow relevant in situations
  • edited December 2013
    Look at Lynog's pal dick sucker posse spring to cover. Oh we all knew he was cheating but uh we want to complain about some random meaningless variable to disguise the fact that Lynog and Screamin shared. That's why this game sucks balls and everyone left. You are all full of shit and nobody wants to waste time proving something just to have you queers change the subject and nothing ever happens. That's why I never even brought it up cuz the game is run by faggot sharers. If you want to be good and have your ass kissed just give Lynog and Qwj your pass. Tada you are a pro everyone loves you... homo.

    Gimme my troll award. Fuck yall cunts I'm out.
  • If we have your pass your kd will be good, ill agree with that :) thanks dank
  • edited December 2013
    They are all good you just keep it training it aint rocket science. That you think you are relevant or GAMING is hilarious... bitch please you aint a gamer you are a poser.
  • Yeh im not cool enough to spend nearly 2k hours on dota like you (or lol, whichever it is)
  • edited December 2013
    You don't know shit about Dota shut your bitch mouth. Run and get screamin for me you know you have to do it now. Cuz you are predictable.
  • Un sticky please....
  • You tried, Cory.
  • You tried, Cory.
  • Looks like you got your wish. Sucking that op dick. =D>
  • Looks like you got your wish. Sucking that op dick. =D>
    Must you always pick a fight? The thread was supposed to be fun and funny, but it turned to shit because people just want to fight.
  • edited December 2013
    I did not even get nominated as troll yall done fucked up. Want an apology.
  • Of the year dank, not of all time, you've been missing from the troll game lately.
  • I did not even get nominated as troll yall done fucked up. Want an apology.
    People have to fill out their own candidates and post it. It's not my fault only 7-8 people were willing to take the time.

    I think in the other thread you did one with the same response to every answer:

  • Ever since you got moderator you changed man. It aint like it used to be you are the man now. You're a forum cop I can't trust you.
  • I'm like Paul Walker, I'm still helpin Dom escape.
  • I'm like Paul Walker, I'm still helpin Dom escape.
    ...don't get into any vehicles
  • edited December 2013
    Selfie Poster of the year - the only selfie I've seen this year was shining doing some crazy marathon-like thing in a football stadium

    Multi owner of the year: every player who multies sux- that being said- meadows multies are superior

    Troll (person) of the year:
    TMonster is best troll usually- but when sci did the new ww sign up thread and got like 50 people to sign up.... I lold

    Troll (joke) of the year: darius sitting on a throne of 12 million people

    Meme of the year:
    Idk how to post pics-

    Bromance of the year:
    Darius amd his brother?
    But really- do walls amd meadows count?

    Round of the year:
    Obv 53 ( for me anyway :) ) but idk- the red plague round was good, so were the dms and the troy rounds

    War of the year: dms owning all! Ha. But idk I always die so fast...

    AL of the year: ian easy- crobas is a good second

    Hardest KT of the year: probably meadows rank 1 dw that she disbanded 300k lds into goons and suicided her tanks- no one wanted to hit 50k tanks for 10 land...
    *cockbags magee

    Player of the year: ( my ego is huge...)
    Other than me-
    I'd say imo its a toss up between chiefGreg ( I'd group with you any day) Damdred and Donde ( lots of players had a good round, but those 3 specifically stood out to me

    * dellarocha also stood out, having consistant top 10 kds

    Post of the year:
    Hmmm magus what so u think of them or when lynog got neyllio ( the real wow pro) to destroy darius

    Thread of the year: Darius: A scrub tear wow player - not close easiest choice of all these

    Alliance of the year: red plague or dms or troy ( hostile take over)

    SK Community Member of the year: actually- ima say darius- I think his ego summer rejuvenated sk.

  • Also- mods please delete all u related posts in this thread- including this ons
  • im going to post more unrelated stuff tbh
  • Look at Lynog's pal dick sucker posse spring to cover. Oh we all knew he was cheating but uh we want to complain about some random meaningless variable to disguise the fact that Lynog and Screamin shared. That's why this game sucks balls and everyone left. You are all full of shit and nobody wants to waste time proving something just to have you queers change the subject and nothing ever happens. That's why I never even brought it up cuz the game is run by faggot sharers. If you want to be good and have your ass kissed just give Lynog and Qwj your pass. Tada you are a pro everyone loves you... homo.

    Gimme my troll award. Fuck yall cunts I'm out.
    So..... even though your a meth addict and a liar, what you are saying here is, you had access to Screamins kd (sharing it) but im the cheating cocksucker sharer because i had access too it ? :))

    just fyi, i never shared it either i took it over because i had died and my homie Screamin had nomore time to play that round. Stop smoking crystals Dankypoo
  • hahah I was thinking that when I read it

    "We started swinging off then Screamin loans me his and Lynog was on it"

    LOANS me it hahaha

    Good job it was lies otherwise you would be a hypocrite mate

    P.S - DOTA is for faggots, LOL laughs at it.
  • edited December 2013
    Not only do you need to lie about that account but you want to drag Dota into it. First off I took that account over the round I blatantly multi raped HG. Invited your pos buddy to my group and killed him for the fuck of it because I can. Everyone on the server knew I was cheating and I just spit in your faces and bitch slapped your crew. In regards to Dota that is a real game. You can't cheat on it and have to rely on your own skill. You are welcome to sit here for eternity sharing accounts with everyone but half a dozen people you try to fuck with on a game you can't possibly lose but don't pretend you are good or important. Those variables do not exist here it is all cheaters. That is in your heads and besides yourselves nobody believes you or gives a fuck. They knew you were fake and left. Now every now and then a real gamer like me shows up and tees off on you bitches and embarasses the fuck out of you with only 1% of the resources you have. People have seen your begging and pandering and oh God the whole game is ruined I aint the leader stop stop oh God it's dank wah.... lol bitches.
  • You didnt rape our crew though did you because all 3 of us wer much bigger than screamin :))

    Dota is the poor mans LoL for faggots without the skill for LoL, hence why you play it.
  • edited December 2013
    Why are you talking about Dota all of the time are you really upset that I play it for some reason? Also, I don't give a flying fuck how big the thirty people on each of your accounts were then or now. I don't even play this game I just swing by now and then to pull you back to reality. There is nothing at all in any way on this website related to competition. It doesn't exist here. I could be playing Terraria or Windows solitaire and still be doing real gaming. You just don't get it because you have your head so far up your ass that you are elite because your buddies are on top here that you can't even relate to what I'm saying to you. If I played travel connect four or tic tac toe or checkers I'd be gaming... this... is... not... gaming.
  • Why are you talking about Dota all of the time are you really upset that I play it for some reason? Also, I don't give a flying fuck how big the thirty people on each of your accounts were then or now. I don't even play this game I just swing by now and then to pull you back to reality. There is nothing at all in any way on this website related to competition. It doesn't exist here. I could be playing Terraria or Windows solitaire and still be doing real gaming. You just don't get it because you have your head so far up your ass that you are elite because your buddies are on top here that you can't even relate to what I'm saying to you. If I played travel connect four or the game or checkers I'd be gaming... this... is... not... gaming.
    And yet you're still so very bad at it, also you have never ever ever ever once pulled anyone back to reality, you come in here telling tales of how you were actually something with your joke UA thinking people dont actually have memories. You've done nothing, you're a delusional meth addicted fool who spends far too long playing shitty ass Dota, i feel sorry for you're children.
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