Right a few points here
1. Sector 1.11 are cowards they leave Phantomz for no real reason ( this is no huge deal as sectors do change there minds)
But I feel like joining the enemy is Low very low!!!!!
I blame 3 people
There current sector leader and kingdoms named
I and i
These where the rebellious kingdoms ( strange)
A few guys in that sector where good friends but have been killed I still have a few allies in there
Those kingdoms I that sector who wants back in phantoms or remain neutral won't be grabbed if you message me
STUNNERS boot one of there sectors to recruit 1.11 what sort of AL ditches active sectors where good kingdoms have faught hard for his alliance ( a noob AL). He obviously just wants to whore the round and win and farm the uni
Also 2 other points
Good to see Disney and tyris have changed there mind and seen the light again ( hope fully they aren't brain washed)
Also big shout out to the not respectable alliances of the round
Small . But loyal and seem to have a few decent members
We all know every ones feelings about me
Lets move away from that it's old news
there is a reason they dont want to be in your alliance
Ohhh also the owner of the multis will be our sister napped alliance!
Thank you all so much for your time and have a blessed day!!!
Also MAL will you have my babies???
Nothing like a sector full of 15 DW AT Shinings. ^_^
if i hit them all, does my kingdom get shiny?
Hitting me is a waste, walls. Especially multiple times. You still don't shine. =[ You learned this 2 rounds ago, which is why you stopped XD
i stopped to kill illy
LOL which i did.
just for u
GJ on that, btw. Made my sector boring as hell. Illy's KT led to one guy vacationing, another deleting, another going inactive. I had one other active. >_>
Guess they figured with our meat shield gone, they'd be targetted next. LOL. No one in a sector dies before Illy =D
I have asked every one to vote where they want to go. Because some of them said they don't want back in Phantoms.
We had no offer from Stunners, so I said:
We are not voting stunner coz we don't have an offer.
Only Phantoms and Redemption were options.
So, I asked them to vote.
while ppl were voting, some of the KDs got raped and hit, so they started getting Desperate.
So after counting few votes, we were going to join Redemption.
When, the AL of stunners came and made a proposal.
So, the rest of the guys voted to join stunners.
I personally wanted Redemption (smaller alliance)
This is the story behind this all BS.
In addition, I did not asked to be SL for the sector. the sector proposed for me to be SL.
Have fun!
Even a lot of STUNNERS must realise that it was very low
However thanks for letting us know Rami
I respect the honesty
Rather worry that some wanted to join the enemy mid way threw a war basically.
Everyone builds offense
They get rolled
Sk drama. Let the turtles win damn it!
Kind of disappointed...
Listen i'm not against kicking disloyal sectors or sectors that are generally weaker than other sectors. Every alliance does it at some point or another anyone who says its not true is dumb. I personally haven't kicked sectors for stronger sectors while I was AL but I have kicked traitorous sectors. But Cobras always goes by hof score even during the honey badgers round he did it as well.
or what does lieing means?
1st, we wanted to stay alliance-less.
This was happening in 29th of November.
In 30th od November, we decided to stay neutral
"Posted on November 30, 07:04:43
Stay neutral for time being"
Then, They start getting Hit... so we started voting for alliance..
So, desperately, i wanted to join an alliance.
I have asked for password for Redemption...
AL didn't reply...
meanwhile, AL of Stunner sent me a message that he heard that we wanted to join..
I said YES ! we want in ..
Actually, we wanted anywhere...
any alliance was better than that.
So, we joined Stunner.
Seems that I wasn't up to date with everything.
A in-game msg came that woulds like this:
"Hey buddy
I was just reading all of the BS in the pfs re 1.11. Damdred called you a liar and said 1.11 was invited to join stunners straight after phantomz disbanded.
We WERE invited straight away - I know cobras and he told me we were invited. I thought I posted that in the sector forums?
Either way, there seems to be a mix up and sorry if I wasn't clear about the offer. Feel free to post this info in the pfs and let them all kt me instead of you (for what I don't know though). I would post this but I have never bothered with the pfs.
PS: still, I didn't the decision was taken from desperation.