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Research Bonuses

edited December 2011 in General
Was wondering if anyone knew the proportion of scientists to land to each research bonus to always keep it maxed.


  • Was wondering if anyone knew the proportion of scientists to land to each research bonus to always keep it maxed.
  • Holo's scientist calc is usesful:

    Not sure of the exact values though, I used to know them a long time ago!
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah I usually go around 1sci per land when im not terra. What I was really asking when I made this thread was how exactly the research points to bonus percentage was figured. For Example:

    xland/yresearch points= ? Bonus
  • Im just curious because when the pop bonus drops even one percent I lose a ridiculous amount of peeps.

  • Keep in mind that those values are rounded heavily, and inaccurate at higher land levels (10k+).
  • Im just curious because when the pop bonus drops even one percent I lose a ridiculous amount of peeps.

    The key is to just say "eff you pop bonus" and be done with it
  • Im just curious because when the pop bonus drops even one percent I lose a ridiculous amount of peeps.


    The key is to just say "eff you pop bonus" and be done with it
    the key is never even bother with power bonus and drop pop when you cant keep up with the other 3 anymore
  • So basically the key is to do what I said!
  • pop = 0.0094
    power = 0.0062
    mili = 0.00604
    money = 0.01087
    rwce = 0.0103

    population 0.00942
    power 0.00622
    military 0.00606
    money 0.011082
    fdc 0.017
    reactor core 0.01055

    pop - 0.00932
    power - 0.0062
    military - 0.006
    money - 0.0109
    FDC - 0.017
    reactor - 0.0102
  • I believe the first set is correct and Holo's values. The 2nd and 3rd set came from Cere4l and someone else.
  • pop = 0.0094
    power = 0.0062
    mili = 0.00604
    money = 0.01087
    rwce = 0.0103

    population 0.00942
    power 0.00622
    military 0.00606
    money 0.011082
    fdc 0.017
    reactor core 0.01055

    pop - 0.00932
    power - 0.0062
    military - 0.006
    money - 0.0109
    FDC - 0.017
    reactor - 0.0102 gonna buy you guys a fleshlight to keep you guys busy doing anything apart from sk calcs :)
  • Date modified: 7/23/2009

    Lol I just saved it, I didn't do the calcs for this! =P
  • Date modified: 7/23/2009

    Lol I just saved it, I didn't do the calcs for this! =P
    Sure ya did laddie :P hehe
  • Does this scale for Terra Form?

    As in -- does Terra Form require the same amount of points to get maxed in something as another planet type does?
  • ...I'm prob gonna get trolled for saying this but I've never played terra in the past and I've never cared to know the values for my own planet types but my guess would be is that it takes 10% more points(or however the extra 10% added to those values would be properly calculated) to max but with the research advantage of 50% it'll still be easier to keep them maxed than the other planet types
  • I think you have to scale it in. E.g. if you want money bonus fully, you devide by 2.5 and multiply by 3.5. This seemed to work when I played terra.
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