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UK Man wins court case against BBC

edited September 2013 in General

UK Man was charged to pay a licensing fee when he used footage showing that BBC reported that WTC 7 fell 20 minutes before the tower actually did. In the footage provided, you can see the WTC 7 building in the background while the reporter claims the tower was gone. Hah! EAT IT!


  • Although this is a small victory, it's pointless in the long run. It took 12 years just for this.
  • Its not even a small victory, BBC will just say it was a human error I guess.
  • edited September 2013
    im confused

    so does this prove 9 11 was an inside job or not
  • The judge agreed that Rooke had a reasonable reason to protest. It's not proof of anything else.

    Qwj, I don't see how the BBC can call it "human error" when you report something before it happened. It does infer that there was possibly prior knowledge though.

    "beforeitsnews" is an unreliable source. The Daily Mail is (somewhat) better:
  • I agree Sky, I do not like referencing beforeitsnews, but that source was creditable.
  • Do you really think if they wer to pull off something of this scale they would pre-inform the BBC to report it.

    They would want absolutely nobody but the essential people knowing.

    Why wouldnt they just demolish the building and let the BBC report it when it happened as they 100% certainly would. It makes literally 0 sense to pre inform them of this ready to report it when they would anyway.

    Somebody probably just reported that the building is badly damaged and may come down and it has been mistakenly reported as already down.

    The woman clearly has no idea what WTC7 is or she could see with her own eyeballs that is is standing right behind her.

    Lets not forget these are newsreaders, the same people who reported the victims of the plane crash in china as "Sum Ting Wong" and "Wei Too Low" etc
  • edited September 2013
    The world is a stage, nothing more. I didn't realize how much media distorts things until a couple months ago. An old friend of mine was charged with online solicitation of a minor. I've known him for about 15 years, I know who he is and what he is capable of. After he got out of jail, he explained to me what happened, what really transpired etc.

    Before he was released however, the Media ate him alive. The Agency which accused him of this was newly founded and my friends capture was their second arrest, so the media harassed his job, his home, his friends, literally cost him everything over an false accusation. The media overplayed the arrest to gain public awareness and approval for the agency to acquire further funding for it.

    His case was later dismissed, he was found not guilty. However in the United States, once you are accused of such a crime, its never be removed. An innocent man charged of this crime he did not commit now has to live the rest of his life for something he did not do. The media spun his story in a small town to which many many new him and destroyed his life.

    The news report what they are told to report, nothing more. The world is a stage, and you are the audience.
  • I concede that they could use the "human error" excuse from that angle. Still believe that the BBC knew about these events beforehand though.
  • They could have had the news in but not the footage, so in the meantime it could have been just re-run footage?
  • Also, what do they mean by pay a license fee?
  • Pretty much everyone here in the UK has to pay for a "TV Licence" annually.

    I know, it's bs. Lots of opposition to it these days but it's a criminal offence not to have one if you watch or record live television broadcasts. The lion's share of the money goes to the BBC.
  • Im not saying it wasnt planned btw, I just dont think they would pre warn news stations when they could just let them report it as it happens. It makes zero sense. I assume they would want as few people as possible to know.
  • Pretty much everyone here in the UK has to pay for a "TV Licence" annually.

    I know, it's bs. Lots of opposition to it these days but it's a criminal offence not to have one if you watch or record live television broadcasts. The lion's share of the money goes to the BBC.
    Does it really take £3.6562 billion per year to run the BBC? lol
    Someone is taking home a huge paycheck out of this.
  • and get this bean

    they used to have vans getting around that had written on the side stuff like "WE WILL FIND OUT IF YOU ARE STEALING TV"
  • Does it really take £3.6562 billion per year to run the BBC? lol
    Someone is taking home a huge paycheck out of this.
    Nimrod speaks the truth. And yes, that figure sounds about right. The BBC is funded by most of it and doesn't show commercials to make money like other channels do. It's important to note that the BBC is supposed to be an Impartial Public Service Broadcaster (Maybe not if you believe the report in the OP), has a lot of quality programming and I believe the BBC plays an important role in British life.

    What happens if you don't pay though:

    To be honest, I don't think most of the British public minds paying. It funds many BBC TV Channels, radio stations, iPlayer (Watch BBC programmes at any time online) and various other things.
  • im sure people would even pay more if it meant they broadcasted EPL
  • Not sure I get this. SO if you have a satellite dish, you pay your programming fee.... Then you have to pay another licensing fee for the BBCC? What if you want your cable/satellite but not all that BBC crap?
    Also, if this one case makes it through the courts wouldn't that legal president that has been set mean that nobody has to pay for their license?
  • edited September 2013
    John Kerry admits he believes WTC 7 was a controlled demolition.

  • Im not saying it wasnt planned btw, I just dont think they would pre warn news stations when they could just let them report it as it happens. It makes zero sense. I assume they would want as few people as possible to know.
    dont under estimate how stupid the yanks are, remember Bush was the most powerful man on the planet at the time, the man who couldn't read a speech off a piece of paper.
  • Not sure I get this. SO if you have a satellite dish, you pay your programming fee.... Then you have to pay another licensing fee for the BBCC? What if you want your cable/satellite but not all that BBC crap?
    Also, if this one case makes it through the courts wouldn't that legal president that has been set mean that nobody has to pay for their license?
    If you pickup bbc broadcasts you have to pay it.

    If you can prove that you dont (i.e your tv is only linked to an xbox/ps3 etc) and you only watch dvds and shit you dont have to pay.

    Quite a few people just dont pay it and say they dont watch tv. They will send letters/people to knock at your door etc but they cant really do shit if you dont answer or let them in.
  • You know what's funny? We get BBC over here for free :P
  • edited September 2013
    Just to add to what Qwj says, even if you have Sky (Satellite) or Virgin Media (Cable), you still have to pay.
  • Just to add to what Qwj says, even if you have Sky (Satellite) or Virgin Media (Cable), you still have to pay.
    or you just open the door, tell them to fuckoff and then proceed to close the door. Works a charm.
  • Are the part of the police or just employees of the BBC? Seems like a waste of time rand money really.
  • Just to add to what Qwj says, even if you have Sky (Satellite) or Virgin Media (Cable), you still have to pay.
    or you just open the door, tell them to fuckoff and then proceed to close the door. Works a charm.
    Never tried it although I did think about not paying a few years ago. Can't be bothered with all the hassle and constant visits that you'll probably have to put up with.

    And Bean, they're not part of the Police.
  • You arent being shafted, theyre just doing it more openly. In Canada we subsidize CBC some ridiculous sum in the hundreds of millions, cant recall the figure. Comes out of taxes, same thing in the end.

    Dunno bout the BBC, but CBC refuses to show us what our money is going towards. Apparently they think they are allowed to spend taxpayer money however they want, the cunts :p
  • BBC is partially funded by the gov't too some 3 billion dollars according to the wiki, so on top of their licensing fee they also get tax'd for it. If they're not legally allowed to come snoop around i'd just not pay and tell anyone who visits to f*ck off.
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