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s2 ownage

edited September 2013 in General
I just wanted to say...


nuf. said.


  • people still play s2?
  • It's better then s1 imo. No cheaters, and it requires actual talent. Coordinate and teamwork. No like S1, multi's amok, n00b leaders. None of that :P
  • i can only think of one response to that

  • That's what I'm saying. Let everyone move to s2, and the multis to s1, game would be revived :) and people can feel the true ownage of SIE ROHAN CASTLE
  • you mean where you start suiciding on a random nobody nonstop after 3 days and then die?
  • you mean where you start suiciding on a random nobody nonstop after 3 days and then die?
    I suicided multiple times this round, and I still owned :) You don't have that much faith in me there meadows, and that's disappointing.
  • I don't think a rank 15 kd on s2 equates to "owned..."
  • edited September 2013
    Tell me Divine... Where's your KD?
  • No, seriously... I can't find it :D
  • S2 does NOT require actual skill, or a bit of skill...or any skill really
  • It does, actually, it requires skill in diplomacy, REAL diplomacy, not what s1 has turned into recently. As for the skill in building a Kingdom, I would only agree that it is very easy to obtain a rank one, assuming you have good diplomacy.
  • No it doesnt, it requires surviving 1-2 weeks which is extremely easy then you are unkillable and can do what you want.

    2 top kingdoms can rule the whole server.
  • Unless you're smart enough to kill the mother fucker before he gets there :P
  • It only takes one multi to dominate that server. If one is not there it is best not to advertise. It would be a safe bet to assume one will now make plans.
  • you have now ruined your fun rohan. There is not enough organization or people to combat a bot or even manual multis :C, just look at what meadows did to s2....

    What am i even saying? S2 sucks not even multis would want to go there
  • Dunno, i had a couple fun rounds on S2, but I have to agree with Qwj on the no skill part. Ive played 3 rounds of s2, one had a UA that controlled like a third of the server lol

    The other two were just lolz, four or five of us went up against nearly the entire uni and won by a mile. The other, we had it in the bag but it was mutant asplosion... so nobody won.

    I have to say though, s2 can be more fun. A lot more personal :D
  • I looked at s2 yesterday. Illy and Hazza are both at the top.

    Yeah, must take a lot of skill and diplomacy.

    I think a better way to describe s2 is "Special olympics".
  • its a nw whores dream and the extra income makes going all income mines on a fw the best option. Its like sk on easy mode with training wheels and instruction manual infront of you :( so boring to me
  • Tell me Divine... Where's your KD?
    lol I went on vacation for 3 weeks and got KTed, if I was playing actively in a sector like yours, I would've definitely made a better kd.
  • Dunno, i had a couple fun rounds on S2, but I have to agree with Qwj on the no skill part. Ive played 3 rounds of s2, one had a UA that controlled like a third of the server lol

    The other two were just lolz, four or five of us went up against nearly the entire uni and won by a mile. The other, we had it in the bag but it was mutant asplosion... so nobody won.

    I have to say though, s2 can be more fun. A lot more personal :D
    Yea that's basically the only good part about s2. A lot more personal and much less multis/cheating going on (with the exception of the round where meadows literally killed every single kd)
  • that's not true, i left mal, lews, hotgates and lissa!
  • I was talking about R48 not R45. but it looks like you did it twice lol
  • I only did it once. The second time wasn't my doing.
  • I can't imagine anyone else who would have the time and effort to kill an entire server like that.
  • ^ if its automated, any single player could do it. Quick an easy.
  • i'm trying with s1.
    but it's a lot more tiring to use people to kill other ppl.
  • that's not true, i left mal, lews, hotgates and lissa!
    didnt leave me though did you :|

    I did manage to sign up right at the end and get an account called Jones The Guido archived 5th tho haha
  • LOL I thought that was barren lands recreated or something. I don't remember you playing that round!
  • I looked at s2 yesterday. Illy and Hazza are both at the top.

    Yeah, must take a lot of skill and diplomacy.

    I think a better way to describe s2 is "Special olympics".
    loving the shout out to me here lol. I wasn't really for score. if I did I'd go tanks earlier. and not fail multiple times on KTs.
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