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Think he's mad?

edited November 2011 in Game Talk
Immortal Pie (1:6)
This is an official message from your Sector Leader.

Guys kill Jordan off, then hold wls.. No attacks on CM or we will never leave this sh!t alliance. Zeality is a worthless 12 yr old with a god complex who when he doesnt get hit ways throw the nastiest little temper tantrums to try and screw over all who he has percieved to wrong him in any way. He is the one who has locked us in this war with no controls.. Its probably good this is an internet game or Id take my belt to his as$ and teach him a lesson on manners.. Worthless kid

All this because he seems to think Forum Mods can disband alliances. Yeah... He mad.


  • Hockey sux L-)
  • wait they CANT????????
  • Really you honestly think thats why? Could be the fact you suicided on me, disbanded, erased the forums and said gl and killed off Ty so that he couldnt disband?

    Holy crap what an ignorant child you are. Ty told me himself he was giving you fm.. And yes I have been fm, val and had al controls.. I know exactly what each can do. Your tantrum is what pissed me off. You are a sh!t player and coming from someone like me that should say everything. You have had a hard on for me since I got SL. Sector obviously knew what they were doing because hey.. Look at you now. I hate people who act like you.. The ones who rage quit and try to screw as many guys as possible in the process. Your the kid who losses and takes his ball home crying.. Take the ball, I can get my own. May mess us up til we get a new one.. But the game is much better without you.
  • pm me in-game pie and i will protect you for the rest of the game
  • You still dont understand that our sector almost killed you off cause we all agreed you were terrible.
    Oh well. God have mercy on me and dont let me be in your sector again.

    Ragequitting implies i was angry, yes? Jim Binary and I suicided cause we dodnt have time and didnt want to listen to you and others anymore. No rage just a whole lotta laughs :)
  • And lets make sure we show my other sector message..

    Subject: (Blank). Sent on November 30, 06:47:01 This is an official message from your Sector Leader.

    Btw my reasoning for finishing off Zeality akaordan is I believe he will log in make an attack on critical mass and lock us in for 24 hrs more


    Hmm said nothing about FM not being able to disband
  • We weren't going to kill you off immortal. Only one person was aiding Zeal when he was in trouble mode, multiple sectormates were hitting him.
  • Really.. Killed me off? I never said make me sl or kill me.. Ive,been SL from rnd start, doesnt seem to me as if my sector didnt want me SL. If they didnt the votes would have changed
  • edited November 2011
    Didnt you blame me for locking you in the war with nocontrols? Super FM to the rescue, disbanding alliances like a bus.
    I should clarify. The better players did, the people who floated from inactive to not very good (rank250+, hit four times a day) voted you in. In the end we let it go to try and have a dece round.
    Got my laughs so thats all that really matters.
  • Well maybe if you presented a plan or coherent forward thinking idea at least, we'd be doing something different. I honestly haven't read a sentence you write that doesn't involve retrospectively tearing people apart or just personal/baseless insults.
  • Zeality, you were the only one who didn't want Pie as SL.

    Seriously though, is this a game for people with diagnosed ego problems or something?
  • edited November 2011
    Hell nah, i came on aim to 3 pms asking he be removed from sl. One of which voted we kill him off if he doesnt change.
    I insult Pie cos he gives so much to work with. I stopped caring when i realized it woulda been hard to do. His messages gave a good laugh though.

    I insult people constantly on SK, its great fun you should try it. Not an ego issue either cause i know im not good @sk, but egging people on until they suicide on you or start pullin out gay jokes is amusing.
  • You insult people on sk because the anominity of the internet allows you to act big. You wouldnt have the balls to step up to me and talk to me in person like you do here because I would flat knock you on your a$s, son. And I pulled out pedophile jokes on you.. Ok, gay pedophile jokes, but most pedophiles are queer in some way.. So its basic pedophile jokes.
  • Your alliance had the worst strategy i have ever seen, i mean come on...ur start off the war by setting KT on a 1.4m KD. Who is no threat to any1 in your alliance you just wanted his 4.1k honor. That alone proves u are retarded and shouldnt play sk.
  • 104k goons isnt a threat?
  • Complete offensive KD. That would seem like the logical person to remove. The flaw was in jumping without some guarantee from Nexus. We got screwed by those pussies.
  • Haha Pie i hope you realize the irony in what you're saying. Quite easy for you to talk big when you know nothing about me, isnt it?
  • If I knew what both your geographical coordinates were I'd go outside and cockslap you both in one, fluid swing.
  • Im going to go out on a limb and say thats a record for worlds largest dick.
  • Pie wasnt talking about Apo, talking about Tryst.
  • Yeah I wasnt going to touch Tryst.. Wasnt posted by Ty and figured it for a revenge post personally..

    And yeah Zeal, that was the whole point of the add on of knockin you on your a$s.. Im only 12 and 85 lbs.. So not like I could

    (more sarcasm in case you missed it Zeal)
  • cum lan c wat hapens
  • cum lan c wat hapens
    'wat' indeed...
  • The derp is strong with this one
  • Yo I gave binary AL. Thought he would disband or something I just wasn't putting forth any more time into a game where I get killed by masses of noobs who can't beat me.
  • edited November 2011
    Complete offensive KD. That would seem like the logical person to remove. The flaw was in jumping without some guarantee from Nexus. We got screwed by those pussies.
    Wow, really ok, here is how it went down, Nexus was asked by Aunt Leadership what the stance of Nexus was in the Uni if a war was to break out. He was told that nexus would remain neutral! A HUGE majority of the alliance wanted to war CM but several top kds had made some deals with CM leadership, and the officers of Nexus had RL issues going on and were unable to run a successful war. At no time during the "War" was nexus asked to join by Aunt leadership.
  • Look um...

    Nah nevermind I am already dead who cares.
  • Complete offensive KD. That would seem like the logical person to remove. The flaw was in jumping without some guarantee from Nexus. We got screwed by those pussies.
    Wow, really ok, here is how it went down, Nexus was asked by Aunt Leadership what the stance of Nexus was in the Uni if a war was to break out. He was told that nexus would remain neutral! A HUGE majority of the alliance wanted to war CM but several top kds had made some deals with CM leadership, and the officers of Nexus had RL issues going on and were unable to run a successful war. At no time during the "War" was nexus asked to join by Aunt leadership.
    So you're telling me Nexus won't war CM?
  • CM has no intentions of warring Nexus, if nexus declare then we will fight ofc. But we have no reason to fight them. They have shown no hostility towards us and helped us on many occasions.
  • That wasn't my question.

    And really? We're just going to trod through this round without the only two major alliances not warring? Let me know now so I don't waste my time.
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