By how many people here I thought to be open minded about things,. are so damn closed minded about everything. Even a little bit of a change for the better they act like little kids or old people. "We r feer de changgge!" Everything that comes up that is an idea that deviates from the GUIDELINES set down from the older players years ago... They get scared and pull out the flame guns. Lost alot of respect that I had for a few of you. Im sure your going to act like I am the noob in this situation, but I can promise its you and how you react to suggestion to change. I am sure that the definition of a suicider/open/Anti Turtle/ Turtle, All those things need to be updated to suit the change of the game. I am sure everyone is going to keep doing what they want... calling his alliance a bunch of crappy KD builders, Then they still follow. Good thing Victus theory of SK turning into a bunch of sheep is almost right on the money. You wouldn't have anyone to lead.
Theres a difference between being closed minded and flat out disagreeing. Giving reasons why its a bad idea is the difference.
That's the funniest thing I ever heard. What about unclosed
Also, I like unclosed. or eyes wide shut.
Its a war game and KDs die if they didnt then whats the point the only people that last the longest are those smart enough to either stay out of the lime light or build good KD's.
If AT's are killed so easily then its a strategy that should be abandoned by any smart player.