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Count down to Dec,21 2012

edited December 2012 in General
The Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012, and some people are not taking this lightly. Panic is setting in, as seen in the many reports that believers of the Mayan calendar 2012 doomsday theory are preparing for the apocalypse. Believers in France are getting ready to converge on a mountain where they think aliens will come and rescue them. Americans are running out and buying guns, supplies and survival shelters, according to The Telegraph on Friday, Dec. 7, 2012.

Dec. 21, marks the conclusion of the 5,125-year “Long Count” Mayan calendar and as the days get closer retailers are seeing people buying all kinds of survival supplies from food to candles, but that’s not all, “an explosion in sales of survival shelters” are reported in America, according to the Telegraph.




  • Just goes to show americans are the most gullible and mentally challenged culture in the world.
  • Just goes to show americans are the most gullible and mentally challenged culture in the world.
  • But I am not allowed to open my presents until the 25th :(....

    Love the logic in the first post as well lol 'WAIT.... WHAT??? THE WORLD IS GONNA END ON THE 21ST?! I NEED A GUN!!!!'
  • Just goes to show americans are the most gullible and mentally challenged culture in the world.
  • i already have a group planning to dance naked in the streets when the aliens come for us...
  • Just goes to show americans are the most gullible and mentally challenged culture in the world.
    Not just Americans..

    What are these people going to do when December 22nd comes along and they become aware of the fact that they were idiots for believing it in the first place? Oh yeah, that's right - Believe the next mundane prediction for the end of the world. Some people have nothing better to do, lol.
  • If the world ends HG will take credit and argue with God.
  • The world already ended in 2000 this is purgatory
  • If the world ends HG will take credit and argue with God.
  • If the world ends HG will take credit and argue with God.
    I fucking lol'd
  • Anyone ever see the fcker? Fraudulent prick.
  • That's my wifey's birthday lol.
  • That's my wifey's birthday lol.
    This leads me to believe the world wll end due to something you did... poor present mayb?
  • That's my wifey's birthday lol.
    I know
  • If the Mayans were so smart, why didn't their calender predict their extinction?

    How could it be possible to make a calendar that isn't perpetual anyway? The whole concept is ridiculous.
  • edited December 2012
    The Mayans are still alive and they tell everyone that asks it is not the end. It isn't very fun to argue with them about it so everyone ignores them. People act like they are extinct. They will just tell you yeah reset the calendar.
  • the mayans did predict their extintion.
    thats why they faked it and left.

    and now are returning to claim what they believe to be rightfully theirs.
  • Mayan calendar doesnt end it simply RESTARTS its a cycle. And hey who my calendar ends each year so its no biggy!
  • Some guy said earlier you know it's all fake because the media is telling you about it. If there were any truth to it they wouldn't say a damn thing.
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