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Real classy Flazer



  • September 9, 12:34:34 Criminalist (1:2) He trying to make zeal look bad or something?
    September 9, 12:34:55 Temptress (1:2) its flazer, who knows what the fuck hes trying to do

    the truth comes out. Trying to frame me, pat? Despicable
  • because of you faggot I had to make a s2 kd to see the image link of what my avy file is saved as

    you also have 5 IPs. I am known by many players who try to find my kd as having 1 or 2 IPs (2 when I start uni).

    ALSO when I upload my picture, my jpg is known as:

    my kd is f you zeal in 1:3

    meaning your avy came up 2 before mine, meaning it had to of been recent, and most likely after you did your hits to try and frame me.
  • All I see is excuses... why would you try and make me look bad? Thought we were friends :(
  • coming from the same person who acts like me on s1 for the past couple of rounds, ends up ALing an alliance last round by just using my name, and then getting ktd by just being me
  • Ho now, I AL'd something? I went inactive half an hour out of newbie mode haha.
  • I miss the time kesha made me a Tyrsis multi :(
  • edited September 2012
    flaz noob strikes again
  • Zeal suicide broke me as Flazer last round on s1!
  • Figures flazer would stoop this low. Remember when he disbanded Zeal's KD using his php session id when zeal was ALing?

    Nothing shocks me anymore.
  • Flazer suicide broke me as Zeal last round on s1!

    Sounds like something that dirty no good sk player would do...
  • Flazer suicide broke me as Zeal last round on s1!

    Sounds like something that dirty no good sk player would do...
    That's exactly how I remember it!
  • Figures flazer would stoop this low. Remember when he disbanded Zeal's KD using his php session id when zeal was ALing?

    Nothing shocks me anymore.
    I forgot about that it was so long ago, lets add that to the list of things Flazer is guilty of.
  • edited September 2012
    1. Building Lts

    Put this at the top
  • Figures flazer would stoop this low. Remember when he disbanded Zeal's KD using his php session id when zeal was ALing?

    Nothing shocks me anymore.
    Fuck cookies let's lynch him.
  • zeality trolls = flazer rages
  • Figures flazer would stoop this low. Remember when he disbanded Zeal's KD using his php session id when zeal was ALing?

    Nothing shocks me anymore.
    Fuck cookies let's lynch him.
  • He farms too, horrible cheat


  • fuck you guys

  • you also have 5 IPs. I am known by many players who try to find my kd as having 1 or 2 IPs (2 when I start uni).

    I am not saying its you or not you since I don't know and don't have enough information to make the call but IPvSKs works different on s2 then they do on s1 or FBSK. My IPvSK when I played s1, matched with FBSKs but s2 had completelly different ones. So what I am trying to say is that it doesn't actually prove or dissprove if thats you or not.

    Plus, if it was me and I was trying to frame another person, I would definetly proxy push my own ips out of there.
  • okay its me guys, I made another kd, please kt me
  • Its cool flaze I don't think this will have any effect on the amount of people trying to kill you or multi you every round anyway. Its not like that number could possibly go up. It would be like if Zeal tried tarnishing my name... it just doesn't work.
  • Cool mine is all crusty and rusted out while Flazer is beginning to feel the rust.
  • Hes just a fresher cheator than you
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