Star Kingdoms: Universal Domination is Imminent, My Friend.
Star Kingdoms - Game Manual

Manual Index | Kingdom Development | Research

If you want to improve the quality of housing, power production, or income you need to create research jobs. You can train scientists from ordinary soldiers in the military room. Each scientist can research 1 point per hour. The more points you have to TOTAL LAND, the more effective the project will be.

Continual Research Job Descriptions:

Population Bonus By increasing the capacity of the Residence building, a kingdom can increase the population above normal.

Maximum 20%
Increases Population
Power Bonus More efficient fuel can be discovered to increase the power output of any given powerplant.

Maximum 50%
Increases Power
Military Strength By discovering new weapons and armour one can make there army more effective. This research will improve both your offensive and defensive military strength.

Maximum 30%
Increases Military Strength
Money Bonus Improved government projects can increase revenue. By reducing unemployment and government spending strategies more tax money can go towards construction and military.

Maximum 25%
Increases Income
Frequency Decryption Center Probes often always use the same low end frequencies to transmit data, regardless of who is using them, as the low end frequencies are the only ones capable of transmitting data at such a long distance. Although we frequently pick up signals over the radio, we are rarely able to decrypt it. Thus is why we have placed scientists on the job to monitor the waves 24/7. When successfully decrypting a transmission we can calculate how many probes were sent, what the probes were assigned to do, and who sent them.

Maximum 25%
Gives a chance at knowing who successfully probed you.
Reactor Warp Core Efficiency Through advanced research, knowledge learned in the Energy Core project, can be used to increase the speed at which our armies move.

Maximum 20%
Requires Energy Core research.
Decreases attack time.

The following research options do not compare research points to land, but only require a specific number of research points in order to obtain.

One Time Research Job Descriptions:

Dragoons Research laser scopes, electronic implants, and offensive programming for military units.

Develop Dragoon
Requires 60,000 points.
Laser Dragoons Research new armor upgrades and defensive programs.

Develop Laser Dragoon
Requires 72,000 points.
Fighters Research heavily armed jets for use in battle.

Develop Fighters
Requires 150,000 points and the research Dragoons and Laser Dragoons.
Fusion Technology Learn how to harness the power of Fusion in order to build more powerful missiles, and produce power more efficiently. Allows the production of the Fusion Missile and the Fusion Power Plant.

Develop Fusion Technology
Requires 30,000 points.
S.C.O.U.T.E.R. By sending super high speed probes out before the attacking army, you can predict how long it will take for your army to attack and return.

Develop S.C.O.U.T.E.R. Technology.
Requires 15,000 points.
Vesudian Core and AI Technology Research the ability to harness the power of the Vesudian Core, and the AI technology to control it. Allows the production of Air Support Bay's and Tactical Fighters.

Develop Vesudian Core and AI Technology.
Requires 500,000 points and the research of Fighters.
Energy Core Research the use of an advanced Energy based Core in machinery's engines and power plants. Increases power production of nuclear and fusion power plants by 20%, allows you to produce the Energy Missiles, and decreases attack time by 10%.

Develop Energy Core.
Requires 50,000 points and the research of Fusion Technology to be completed.
Probe Armor Research the use of a armor plating that can be polarized to resist energy weapons. Decreases probe losses by 50%.

Develop Probe Armor.
Requires 92,000 points and the research of Fusion Technology to be completed.
Longevity Research the health and genetics of your civilians to increase life expectancy and quality of life. Increases birth rate 4X and Residences house 55 civilians instead of 50.

Develop Longevity Technology.
Requires 100,000 points and the research of Vesudian Core and AI Technology to be completed.

Other help topics in this category:
Kingdom Status | Exploring | Buildings | Research | Send Aid | Scores | Shields | Rewards

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