Star Kingdoms - Game Manual

Manual Index | Kingdom Development | Status

Kingdom Status:

Construction Status:

This area gives you extended information on how many buildings you have, what % of land is used by them, how many buildings you have in production, and how long it will take for them to complete.

Military Status:

This area has a table that displays all military affairs. If your army is out to war it will show how many units are gone and when they will return.

Mobilizing Status:

This area has a table that displays extended information on how many units you have, what units are being trained, and how long until they are completed training.

24 hour economy chart:

The total population change or population change does not include population which you get from attacks/probings, only which you get at hour changes. So if you make attacks and lose the population again, it might look like you lost huge amounts of population, even if it just balanced out to the level which you have residence support for.

See Also:
Buildings | Military | Research | Politics

Other help topics in this category:
Kingdom Status | Exploring | Buildings | Research | Send Aid | Scores | Shields | Rewards