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  • How do you know you were better than me? Where is your kingdom located? And why are you crying over my AIM name. Tell Sephiroth what I told you and that'll be enough proof. (:|
  • Sorry I'm not as clued up as an sad idiot like you who continued lurking on this site when I was off doing other more important things. Last time I played was years ago - Remembering the person behind every name will obviously be hard. Think Kuja wa…
  • Just installed AIM for the first time in years. Can't believe you - Qwjvfiil - are on it. Just deleted your sorry ass too. Wow, over 300 people in this account. And "Sephiroth ZI", "KujaTranceSK". The first one was his, but not sure if the second o…
  • Haha. I can guess who this guy is and even prove it. Neg, lethalidiot, skydragon is.......... I know who this guy is. He never finished top but he did play the two rounds of v2. He sends me messages and is asking in aim blast about where is Qw. He …
  • You bore me. Your jokes aren't funny, your "flames" don't offend and your English grammar and spelling is horrifying. Reading your posts gives me a headache. None of us are perfect but your particular "skills" disgust me.
  • Your a scrub nothing more. now get out of here with your lies, Dont you know they make baby jesus cry Jesus wasn't real. Lithuanian scum. ;-) And learn to spell properly, faggot.
  • I was playing v2 and I was going to win 4 first rounds of v2. There was no win if you weren't running with either one. Tell me who of their top guns you are. I knew them all. I fail to see why I am required to explain anything whatsoever to you, sin…
  • The single game he finished number one ever was a game with no opponents. Since we're talking about SK, suggesting that I finished number one with no opponents is mind-blowing stupidity. But then, I'm not surprised with your lack of mental acuity.…
  • Lynog, I really don't see "it" with you. People say you are this and that but I don't see it. All I see you do is attempt to make childish, often unfunny "jokes" about people. You try to flame people, but it makes the average person yawn. You're not…
  • Someone who has finished 1st more times than you can imagine, noob.
  • Wow, some things in SK never change. For instance, a thread concerns two people and possibly a third, but then all these attention-seeking transvestites come in with unrelated BS that has nothing to do with the topic in hand.
  • Surprisingly, lol. On a side note, LT were clowns with their persistent multi accounts. Wish your SK kingdom could nuke a real place because I'd love to nuke the fuck out of Lithuania.
  • watch out though SB he robs people to death! scary bidness I'm actually quite surprised you'd go this far over a "shitty player", someone you "can't seem to recall", a "faggot", a "tool", someone who "cries and whinges like a baby"! Makes me feel …
  • I can see that you're starting to get offended. But there's no need to be, cause a retard like you acts like a retard because he IS a retard. Just a question - You wouldn't happen to be Lithuanian, would you? I had a similar problem with those LT c…
  • you wouldnt do anything out of newbie because all you are is a shitty player who cries and whinges like a baby coz he got hit, Nobody knows you and nobody will miss you either, Bye bye faggot That's why you hid yourself in the beginning this round.…
  • Okay Genz, fine. I'll apologise. I raged when I shouldn't have. It was early in the morning here in the UK. I saw the attack happened an hour before I logged on and got pissed off so suicided on you. Shouldn't have. I apologise.
  • Lynog, I really don't see "it" with you. People say you are this and that but I don't see it. All I see you do is attempt to make childish, often unfunny "jokes" about people. You try to flame people, but it makes the average person yawn. You're not…
  • Well, Good Luck with whatever you do next. SK is definitely not relaxing and stress-free, and never has been.
  • I totally concur with the multi's part - Go bitch to the person using them and cry more to them cause I don't give a fuck. Lol, Lynog is a funny little dumb fuck that cheats his way through rounds. "i r teh leet 1337 sk-eh play0rzz!!111". Go get a …
  • Gave him fair warnings that if you attack me, there may be repercussions. He risked it, and he paid for it. And Lynog, fuck off you spastic. Lame cheating cunt.
  • I've been mainly grabbing inactives since the start and trying to keep to myself. You may have made a fair grab, but I gave fair warnings that if you attack me, there'll be consequences. So why are you whining now? Thought I wouldn't do anything? "…
  • What's funny is, as I informed you via p.m., my plan was to try and make you a KT and just continue suiciding on you until my kingdom eventually died. But, if you expect me to shed a tear over your losses, you're sadly mistaken. This is one of the …