this whole situation is very tricky
there are parts of ukraine where the people all have russian heritage and would rather become a part of russia
the whole country isn't at russias mercy like they would make you believe
its well known that you are expected to tip in the US. can people stop writing posts like they are fucking amazed about it.
frankly the arrogant cunts should be tipping me for gracing their establishment with my presence
And back onto the thread topic. Will look into going to the social club next week and will compliment those efforts with being more social since I have more spare time and also checking out my online options when I have a chance.
I have a high interest in castles and it's interesting because it has a story. You imagine how people from 1000 years ago used these castles.
In the end you understand history better. I've seensome amazing landscape involving castles and I could sp…
Your best bet in is to find somebody that's going and become their best friend / support coach.
Access to village and women etc. Then ditch the friend if he doesn't win gold. Can't hang out with losers.
Yeah like I figured the clubs are a definite option. I used to meet new women all the time when I was playing at the local poker events but those have all shut down since.
When I finally start hitting up my local camera club who knows. It's full o…
If you can afford it, singles cruises on a decent liners are brilliant if you want to spend a lot of time just talking to people
I was told about these a few years ago but never really looked into them. My preference was to explore somewhere by foo…
The thing with online dating is to try and have a unique opening message which is what I meant by pick up line. Make them laugh a little.
My workplace is full of a lot of older people with families. There is no opportunity to meet someone through …
I was looking at tinder but you can't deny it's aimed at meeting for fucks. If I wanted that I could login to root buddies again and go at it.
On okcupid I can at least see a bit about the person and make decisions. No drug takers, no closet lesbi…
tipping lol...
it isnt required in korea cause they actually pay a decent fucking wage. same here in australia.
good service should always be provided. not just when the tip is going to be good.
fucking pathetic americans
All Jester had said was that he wanted to be mayor and a vote to lynch me, he added in the middle part later which made my subsequent vote look highly foolish and/or evil. All he had to do was make a new post to cast his accusations, such as they a…
South Korea. Despite not speaking their language they would always bow and welcome me in English every time.
You just knew that the priority of the servers was my comfort level. Would you like a coffee? Would you like a newspaper to read? Which new…
customer service has been dead for a while in the western countries. I was shocked when I stayed the night in Korea, just how friendly they were and the lengths they went to just to ensure you enjoyed your stay.
recruiters and real estate agents are both the sort of professions that I have no respect for. they're services are of no use to society, instead they are responsible for creating problems.
had a real estate agent try and tell me he works hard once…
Micromanaging is such a crock of bullshit. I know that I couldn't stand the constant attention from a person that has the power to get you fired.
Can zeality please fill us in on his experiences with burning bridges?
ITT: people who imagine theyre still having sex after getting married
oh and fyi my cock is average length with foreskin still attached
come at me amerifags. my orgasms are 1000x better than yours.