normally i would as someone would message me asking but last round other people were making them and the balance i try to go for was disrupted.
i was actually meant to mass DWs before last round ending to see if that would force bcart to nerf it bu…
there will always be leaders. the world cannot run without some type of leader let it be a supervisor, director, politician.
unfortunantly a lot of people with leadership power cant make a decision on anything.
anarcho capitalism and communism both fail because people cannot be trusted
there are bad people in this world and there needs to be law and order to deal with them and create a sense of peace
my problem is with over regulation and the obvious fac…
realistic empathy, intelligence and charisma
they should be able to understand what the average person is going through. I also like a person that knows about an issue or atleast takes an effort to sanction research and make an informed decision. f…
if there was player made alliances then it wouldnt solve the UA problem and the game would turn more into a "who you know" to win formula
I like the idea to skip fighters
Skrill it is dogtown, who fucked up his round start and played all probes instead. Initially was ment to suicide his probes on silent godz but wasn't online at the time so I had to use my own.
Don't cry.
Skrill it was originally dogtowns account b…
then turtles hard until he has TFs
Ladies and gentlemen, negs brilliant sk knowledge
correction: turtles hard and hits inactives until he has TFs
its no coincidence how when all the inactives dried up somebody started making them again for guy…
i had my suspicions jones was playing when he became active on the pfs
i dont even see why jones feels the need to make a thread and brag about hitting some guy
he does the same thing every round. make an account late so he ends up in G2 and then …
Like Neg says though, 1 fa cup in all this time just isnt good enough,
actually i was being sarcastic. aimed at all the fans that will still call for his head because of the lack of trophies.
i think it was a good comeback. especially after the atr…