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  • LOL I wish I could make the multis work. I'd have had all of you PF faggots rolled out for fun. Fact is, I haven't angered them whereas you guys have. I'm low priority on the list. ^_^ Boohoo. Oh and weight I don't have? LMAO. You really mus…
  • Its not Kimchis fault the other ALs are too pussy to do anything. Kimchi wont do shit. Now I come to find out they're protecting Rosy, who has 66k goons and 16k LTs. Fuckign group of morons they are. Why would they want a kd with 66k goons dead. …
  • Its not Kimchis fault the other ALs are too pussy to do anything. Kimchi wont do shit. Now I come to find out they're protecting Rosy, who has 66k goons and 16k LTs. Fuckign group of morons they are. Why would they want a kd with 66k goons dead. …
  • The ol' if you're bigger than me you cheated accusation. Classic SK.
  • I'd like screen shots of this cheating in the future. I checked the ips and none matched, or was purged/ flooded with new ones. Not protecting anyone, but I can do the same thing you did sped and post random kids with matching ips with no evidence. …
  • No we live in the same space station and we were equally pissed that he hit me. Everyone on this space station has the same IP. Me and Me are not multis dont kill.
  • My threads are just what these PFs needed.
  • I still think it's about as sensible as you destroying the guy you gave a KD to last round, as well. Logic is not strong in this one. Darius... *shrug* cheat's a cheat. These are a different persons multis you know that. Hence no ip matches like t…
  • Who are you and why did you make this thread when it doesnt even concern you? Because im an American faggot. It does concern me because im in this train wreck of an alliance. Fucking scrub all those kds and you couldn't make 1 good one?
  • *shrug* believe what you want. I've never multid and never will. I'm not even sure who's controlling them, I got rid of my g2 sector over the issue with Olive 1:2 and let the SL there be KTd. I lost the 1:12 sector due to internal problems betwee…
  • We were the only ones focusing the first wave of multis that blew my sector up, get the fuck out of here. If you're going to post AF shit, post all the news from the Multi thread including all the hits on them from me and my sector. Sorry if I'm n…
  • I will post your exact alliance kt thread and the al messages you sent out. You don't seem to be worried about the multis. And KT'd 1 all round.
  • *shrug* believe what you want. I've never multid and never will. I'm not even sure who's controlling them, I got rid of my g2 sector over the issue with Olive 1:2 and let the SL there be KTd. I lost the 1:12 sector due to internal problems betwee…
  • I had a choice between eating Loaf's goons and letting you eat them. If that's backstabbing, then so be it. Oh and I can fully confirm that Loafery has no ties to those DWs. If he did, 1:3 and 1:8 would've gotten slammed first, don't you think? Y…
  • Acipsi still farmed the fuck out of Ace times kinda fishy too. And he had 3 wls
  • That farming though
  • Actually I'm not in 1:7... but I know who he is lol! Good try bitch, I know when I fly my tag your multies will get me, difference is I don't give a shit about this game you obsess over bwahaha I don't have multis and I wouldn't waste them on you i…
  • Who came with this term AT? This is just a kd with stupidly high offence, nothing more. He's a threat to his enemies. The threatened coalition should message him or negotiate with his alliance to disband part of his offense. If nothing happens and …
  • $20? Is thats left of your stimulus check? Its the maximum bet allowed in G.W.s Tax Everything Twice Act.
  • Hes the president you fuktarded dipshit democrats need. If you voted for obama please tell me so I can stop talking to you forever cause you need your head examined. 20$ Says he voted for Bush twice
  • Darius is so good at cGreys probably still a little Virgin Greg why don't you come to England and meet me I will fucking pan your face in you little dick and I mean it , I will absolutely batter you Ya little cunt! Seriously #1 since you cannot r…
  • KT him or shut up about it. Think... What would Kim Jong Un do?
  • Why would you kill your own multi's after putting in all that effort?
  • The cheating this round is insane. People dont even care about getting caught
  • Posted on August 7, 08:34:20 August 7, 07:49:14 Our kingdom DaveSmells (1:18) bravely defended against BINGO (1:7) and lost 89 planets. August 7, 07:49:18 Our kingdom DaveSmells (1:18) bravely defended against BINGO (1:7) and lost 74 planets. Aug…
  • I will not reveal my secrets. The secret to farming is this, explore four kds to 400+ land, with pop for nw. Then hit them all and claim you had been tracking them. Oh thats Flazers, I forgot my method. I knew something was up
  • Boom, do it better blood... ask barricade how to farm unnoticed
  • You think your current situation doesn't have the same thing written somewhere in their long terms and conditions agreement?
  • I made my first successful thread on SKPFs. Im proud of me
  • The round of the multilord everybody were angry: "Fucking cheater, dont let us play". Last round when meadows used multibots to kill not only RRs, but legit kingdoms also to protect xLTx alliance (Who was being beaten): "She is the bomb, she always …