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  • I'm thinking: if you've been around since game 4 you should know this rule. It has always been around, as far as I can remember
  • kind of gay...
    in Wtf Comment by Tabris April 2012
  • Football comes from harpastum and episkyros. The rules for rugby counter the rules for these sports, where as the rules and objectives for football fall right in line with them. Rugby's rules fall into the category of phaininda, thus having its own…
  • why is everyone of my posts ignored so far by bomberboys?
  • Oh, the sport itself is not manly, but technically that's not what makes it gay. It's the latent penis grabbing that makes it gay, and penis biting, and the ball grabbing... etc. Just look at a few pictures I linked and you'll see them. like in am…
  • You invented soccer, it is called soccer, in other languages they call it other things. O RLY?
  • bomberboys, get your history straight. If you want to go on history: The history you keep mentioning is for Rugby. American Football comes from rugby and football(soccer for you) and did not exist before. Also you keep mentioning that the first int…
  • [TeamUSA] and [TeamEurope] I vill represent ze vaterland!! why you? Its where I grew up you can be second in command
    in Join xFCx. Comment by Tabris April 2012
  • [TeamUSA] and [TeamEurope] I vill represent ze vaterland!! why you?
    in Join xFCx. Comment by Tabris April 2012
  • WTF? Do we get one for football too? football doesnt start till the fall Lews Not your stupid oval shaped american football...the real football everywhere apart from the US recognises....its Champions League semis! Real v Bayern, Barca v CHELSEA!!! …
  • rename this thread from football to soccer. Go Porto! Why when it is football, and was called football before the american version even existed? and is played by kicking a ball with your foot the whole game.
  • I am Aussie, so I know and care very little about hockey, but I do know this. The might ducks rule and Emilio Estavez is the best hockey coach in the world. +1 also red wings will win, because dr. cox is a fan
  • we all get worried when people make you feel smart
  • err no, I mean you talked in the game as if you were the leader of the zombies again. Also, kind of drank some beer that night. >.> zombies this game
  • Lews: There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America. William J. Clinton He also knew how to President. 'some picture' I like how you mentioned that Clinton knew how to President and then showed a graph that…
  • Yoso needs to be ass raped next round. sorry lew if I killed you. you seemed like the leaders of the zombies. moar beer in here plza lol, the village is threatened by werewolves and the vigilante goes on a zombie hunt
  • didn't sting just give his job to Hulk?
    in Oh Hi SK Comment by Tabris April 2012
  • I agree that I may have put in too many. giving the amount of each role may balance it out a bit as well.
  • himself. probably calming down, before he starts rage raping everyone
  • the false prophet was a role we introduced on the old forums to slow down games, because we had started introducing more roles, so players weren't complaining they never got roles. All these new roles had overpowered the good side, so we needed some…
  • Players: Prime FalseProphet - dead lynched day 4 TMonsta villager - dead wolfkill night 1 Mal seer - dead wolfkill night 6 Scientology wolf,lover - dead lynched day 3 cishome FalseProphet - dead wolfkill night 2 Sanduskyclause seer - dead wolfkill n…
  • Day 7: wolves killed Mal, a seer Wolves win players left (4): Ixtaccihuatl (wolf) Jeph410 (hunter) SierraNevada (wolf) TaitysHeaven (villager)
  • Night 6 the votes: Modgy (3) - TaitysHeaven, Ixtaccihuatl, SierraNevada Jeph410 (1) - Modgy TaitysHeaven (1) - Jeph410 no votes (1) - Mal Modgy, a villager was lynched players left (5): Ixtaccihuatl Jeph410 Mal SierraNevada TaitysHeaven
  • Hansa, you wanted this why start a war and go for a different target?
  • wolves killed Twilight_Sparkle, a false Prophet Day 6 players left (6): Ixtaccihuatl Jeph410 Mal Modgy SierraNevada TaitysHeaven
  • if all your member's make their own alliance, who will join them?
    in Join xFCx. Comment by Tabris April 2012
  • Night 5 the votes: Phantom (4) - TaitysHeaven, Twilight_Sparkle, Mal, Jeph410 no votes (4) - Ixtaccihuatl, Modgy, Phantom, SierraNevada Phantom, the wolf seer was lynched players left (7): Ixtaccihuatl Jeph410 Mal Modgy SierraNevada TaitysH…
  • wolves killed Sanduskyclause, a seer Day 5 players left (8): Ixtaccihuatl Jeph410 Mal Modgy Phantom SierraNevada TaitysHeaven Twilight_Sparkle
  • something about in game Lews, you're dead man. SHUT UP
  • Night 4 the votes: Prime (5) - TaitysHeaven, Phantom, Twilight_Sparkle, Ixtaccihuatl, SierraNevada Ixtaccihuatl (3) - Sanduskyclause, Prime, Jeph410 no vote (2) - Mal, Modgy Prime, a false prophet was lynched players left (9): Ixtaccihuatl Jep…