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  • im happy for any young lad of any nationality to burst on the scene mate, i also have nothing against Spurs, we have a kid coming through called Jerome Sinclair, hes honestly the best youngster ive seen since Fowler, he can trump Ibe and Sterling, o…
  • i totally agree, its defo football, Kane is a one season wonder though, he wont keep that hot streak up, no chance. I do like how you avoided the questions though, either i missed something (i dont think i did) or Barricade has never done anything o…
  • Barricade, im better then you could ever be, hell theres been rounds where u multied and cheated and i still owned you, play legit and i wreck you. I hope you're just trolling...... someone please adopt this stray dog Hold up a second here kane, you…
  • Chaotic you are nothing good so you can't start any challenges, surprised Lynog isn't telling you to sit down. Serious question here Barricade, i you cant give me a genuine answer then ill just put you down as a terrible troll and never reply to yo…
  • haha, i wouldnt give them the satisfaction of this thread brah, just laugh at them, they are all nothing. Btw i think its a little more than just them Wreckage (1:17) Delete Subject: Re: (Blank). Sent on March 10, 01:51:28 Give us your mobile…
  • Sit down chump. You are nothing.
  • BOOOOM Vulpes, an there you have it my friend, i dont expect an apology buddy, you know and i know thats all that matters. Like i said, fully deserved, they dont call me the chump crusher for nuttin homie, most players will tell you im not an ass, t…
  • you were posted was after 1:13 sucked the soul out of warden and just before the server went down... nobody hit you cos warden was already dead. you and i know thats a lie, come on now Vulpes. man up and admit you just got it all wrong, you should o…
  • when i took AL i didnt hear anything about indiana, nobody said anything mor eabout him making another hit or anything like that so i assumed had calmed down lol... that was all when blitz was the AL so left it behind with the old regime... ontop …
  • hell i skipped the argument bits of the thread but i got the gist... you say his kd is crap... he says your is crap and could break you soon (but you were in the same alliance so why would he need to)... you then leave alliance and hit him... i do…
  • I didnt want to AL in the first fucking place... bean pretty much made me do it and you were just as much if not more of a prick to winnie in the forums before you hit him thats a total lie, anyone in your alliance will vouch for it too, atleast t…
  • why the hate? you're the one that fucked me over... not the other way round no i never, i left your alliance to hit a bunch of pricks, you know aswell as i do it was deserved, then you sat and watched while a bunch of hem multied me and now you ask …
  • was posted as a kt by warden... so not all kds that hit were multis shut up Vulpes, talking like you had a alliance and could actually KT anyone, you are poo.
  • haha yes i have been kt'd for 'farming' before so i wont do it again. But what are the rules exactly? only 1 hit allowed on suicider if first break? and if you're top lander you're not allowed to do it at all? i dont think there has ever been rules …
  • it is only farming when a player hits one of there multi accounts. Everything else is fair game imo. Luck evens itself out. i know you have done a tonne of farming in the past spoon but surely you dont think what you just said is true? anyone who ta…
  • full list right thurr, these gooks are seriously messed up. I think they done this shit manually! i mean, give up a dog steak each for a week and you could probably pay someone to make a bot.
  • Why do you always cry Lybitch? Don't you exploit the alliance bug every round you play? Ive seen you rr aswell. Not forgetting all the small probe farms used on Darius and myself in past rounds, yet you go around calling others pathetic... You don't…
  • Our kingdom Ifrit (1:6) bravely defended against SystemOfaDown (1:18) and was victorious. Our kingdom Ifrit (1:6) bravely defended against Wreckage (1:17) and was victorious. Our kingdom Ifrit (1:6) bravely defended against Promised Land (1:20) and …
  • Lynogs just too awesome thankyou old buddy, you're pretty dam awesome yourself. Me you bringingsexyback and fepo in our prem all those years back, where has the time gone homie?
  • March 9, 01:09:42 Our sector has joined the [SciesOP] alliance. March 9, 01:10:46 Our brave kingdom Ifrit (1:6) attacked Blitzone (1:2) and conquered 660 planets. March 9, 01:11:45 Our sector has joined the [HAHAxMYx] alliance. March 9, 01:10:46…
  • Oh not you. I mean on the bayou and sparta yeah its only been for a day or so though, they will war soon enough, just taking out some whores and multies.
  • Like cheating tho nap with top two alliances. Me no likie im not napped with anyone.
  • RR isnt cheating but it is pathetic, if thats the only way you can keep up, then you are a pathetic player who needs to stop playing. You're funny lynog. And having bank farm is fine? Next time when you want to make a bank farm, don't sign them up a…
  • Im not good, I admit that often, I do enjoy the lolz this game offers though come on Zealy, you could of given me more than just that !
  • ive got tonnes of pic it says theyre all too big, any help on how i resize them? Lovely dogs crash btw.
  • Farming is hit and miss in sk. Depends who wants it as an excuse to kill someone and if they have the power to do it. That's where the hypocrisy comes in. It should just be one wl, but nobody follows that lol In my experience its always if someone i…
  • RR isnt cheating but it is pathetic, if thats the only way you can keep up, then you are a pathetic player who needs to stop playing.
  • Hope it stays down another 8-10hrs, kill the r/r whos heading towards rank 1. Cant stand cheaters how is R/R cheating? i think we just found the RR guys. The only way SB can make anything of note is by going RR because he is so bad at the game.
  • Btw lynog if u do know multi man can u convince him to stay on s2 again thanks. At least i got killed by real people. Getting killed by multis there is almost no point in playing. i dont, the guy i mentioned to you i cant really see bothering with s…
  • i know u have been messaging me every hour with a childish comment. dont forget ur meds before bed March 8, 01:02:37 Our brave kingdom Ifrit (1:6) attacked WinnebagoWarrior (1:2) and conquered 1,005 planets. nom nom nom nom nom, give me those tea…