Meadows is like a PIMP. she has bitches and whores and in exchange for her ' protection ' she takes a part of their revenue ( population , money )
meadows master pimp
Better than being a band of wannabe pimps that get slapped around like a bunch of…
Meadows is like a PIMP. she has bitches and whores and in exchange for her ' protection ' she takes a part of their revenue ( population , money )
meadows master pimp
choochooochooo haven't been around a while didn't know that term existed in sk
i have to admit. it was a funny move...not my type of move..but a funny one
sk = game = having fun. win/loose it's fun. well....this is how i view it
all i see is weeping and lots of it, jobs a gooden,
let me also remind you Cumi or w/e your name is, this will happen to you every single round and there is nothing you will beable to do to stop it, simply because you are all shite.
uuuuu so scared…
Cumi you always say "shag vs xxx alliance and help from other alliances" the only reason gom put war status on shag was for the GOM kds who wanted to join the train and cancle out the peace status.
Sick never asked for help, people just want to ro…
the farms from 2:3 sabotaged the hell out of the guys that were ' trained ' . everybody knows 2:3 kds are farms
proof of multis hitting against RO .. i posted way before in the brutes vs shag thread ( gypsy genocide or smth like that )
peace between…
We didn't win coz of ro gullibility, we won coz they're shit and were not.
They've been thinking there the dogs bollocks while no one else has been playing
Wake up call
you won what exactly ? the probe farm/pop farm/bank/multi/intra-alliance hit…
1. I dont know the politics and im in GOM
2. As RO said, just helpingn out me mates in another alliance isnt that what all you did?
3. Why not? I aint hitting for 10 fucking land
4. Never once have I ever ever ever considered myself good at this gam…
4 things are funny
1. you know the politics of Gom even if you are not in that alliance
2. Sick are kt-ing space...but 90% of the hits are from gom
3. i guess Sick will take the credit for that kt
4. you consider your self pro SK players and other …
February 20, 16:47:41 the [GrumpyOldMen] alliance has declared war with the [Shagadelic] alliance.
oh yes. 1v1 didn't stand a chance. ) pro players my ass just some virgin geeks and some bitches
gj cumi, you killed yet another top 70 kd.
that's how we beat your ass
plus...i don't have access to farms and multis to sabo and fail on very big kts like you did.
Seems a little unbalanced, but I guess Shag had to pick a different adversary after being eaten by Brute.
3 [Shagadelic] 112,403,003 28,100,750
11 The Enforcers (1:3) None 34,222,057
1. we were never eaten by brute ) it was a shag vs brute + sick +…
brutes had 4-5 kts posted at one time because the other alliances ( sick + rest ) had the same kt's posted. for example i know for sure i was posted as KT in brutes and in Sick. + i got hits from enigma and wolfpack so you can post more than 2 kts w…
I saw on ebay they had an old french ww2 rifle for sale, it has on the info, never shot, dropped once
)) best thing i've read on this forum
Cory you little snake
Flazer you little swag
Arson you .... will collapse
pathetic +1 besides other pathetic things you are trying to do:) msging kingdoms from my alliance and lie to them ) ' i am fair man ' that could be your new motto )
And also I am pretty sure Poe would of lived forever due to "help" or just never sleeping cuz its the cool thing to do for SK I have to say I think the playing with fire thing didn't work for him though, he had 1 WL for like 10 hours, 2 for like …
So they used same tactics as you guys did and yea can't see SS.
and knowing arson they are more looking at destroying heavy hitters tan killing
' as you guys did ' . i didn't use any multis. don't know what my fellow mates have done in the…
Non ro zx gets multid stop crying. no proof posted if multis or not qnd they rage hard. There alliance gets slightly ganged they cry tell others to man up when same things happen to them. i see a trend
i posted proof...screenshots...
+ gom naped …
February 11, 21:45:26 Our kingdom Lie to me (1:7) bravely defended against Small but Fierce (1:16) and lost 10 planets.
February 11, 21:45:28 Our kingdom Lie to me (1:7) bravely defended against Small but Fierce (1:16) and lost 10 planets.