So a lot of us play dota and league of legends, but who are your favorite heroes/champions to play with? Does anyone play heroes of the storm? Smite? Dead island moba?
I usually play support or hard support in DOTA. I like jakiro, zues, lich, sand king, earth shaker, and a bunch more. What about you dudes and ladies?
Edit: my dotabuff profile
It's amazingly fun, Dariuzs is my summoner if any of you want to run some games
Love to insta-gib
She is so shit mid game u just pray the other team are stupid that they dont try to team fight. Best comp would be a siege comp with disengage
Otherwise i play akali. I know shes crap but when u do snowball its such a fun champ to play
i rock the sona support pretty hard, my buddy is in the mid plat range and i can play with him in his league on sona or leona, everyone else is why i'm bronze
last time i played ranked those metalic ranks werent a real thing yet
can i assume i'll be put in a league based on my performance?
On topic: My comfort picks are usually high utility champions like Lulu and Lee Sin. Of course I've never actually disliked playing any hero aside from teemo. Pandachu is my summoner's name if anyone feels like catching a game.
I play dota every blue moon and the only champs I really play are the stealth heroes and windrunner. There's something about them gingers.
this honestly puts me in any lane i end up with...
just did a match with ashe using trinity stattik and throwing giant arrows on 40%cdr like there's no tomorrow
the screen, no summoner...naix...such a horrible world
I didn't stick to it long though, I kept failing my pathing for some reason on Dota2
But I cut my teeth with Garen back in the day.