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Favorite MOBA Heroes

edited May 2014 in General
So a lot of us play dota and league of legends, but who are your favorite heroes/champions to play with? Does anyone play heroes of the storm? Smite? Dead island moba?

I usually play support or hard support in DOTA. I like jakiro, zues, lich, sand king, earth shaker, and a bunch more. What about you dudes and ladies?

Edit: my dotabuff profile


  • I spend a lot of time role playing as blitzcrank, I only break character to say rekt after every kill, instant rage from the other team every time hahahah

    It's amazingly fun, Dariuzs is my summoner if any of you want to run some games
  • Lux.

    Love to insta-gib
  • Ha ha ha ha ha ha - blitzcrank
  • Tristana. Strong throughout all phases of the game. Good mobility, Long range auto attack, strongest hyper carry in the game. Pure domination if you can orbwalk properly.
  • Be home in 30 mins rob you down for games?
  • went support ashe once...worked diamonds
  • Tristana. Strong throughout all phases of the game. Good mobility, Long range auto attack, strongest hyper carry in the game. Pure domination if you can orbwalk properly.
    I main her and she aint good until u get ie botrk

    She is so shit mid game u just pray the other team are stupid that they dont try to team fight. Best comp would be a siege comp with disengage

    Otherwise i play akali. I know shes crap but when u do snowball its such a fun champ to play

  • edited May 2014
    Trist is annoying as fuck to fight with the rocket jump and the fuck you knockback cannon lol, she seems underplayed
  • I'm down for some games. Anybody who wants to join can add me on my summoner name as well. Summoner name is Always Strapped.
  • edited May 2014
    Holy tits you guys are far up there. O-o
    I was hovering between d1-d3 not to long ago, but honestly the grind is pointless and I've found plat to be more fun than diamond since you can still dick around and dont have to tryhard so much
  • mages accept the invite u nerd
  • Katarina, Lucian, MF, Thresh, Ziggs. IF I had to pick just one tho definatley Kat, just really enjoy the resets on newbs.
  • bronze for life!

    i rock the sona support pretty hard, my buddy is in the mid plat range and i can play with him in his league on sona or leona, everyone else is why i'm bronze
  • I was bronze last year when i started ranked before I even played moba's before... :p So i just left it... this season I have only played 1 provisional cuz I haven't been super interested, and the caitlyn stole my ziggs pentakill :(
  • edited May 2014
    i'm about to play 10 matches to get inside a league...

    last time i played ranked those metalic ranks werent a real thing yet

    can i assume i'll be put in a league based on my performance?
  • edited May 2014
    then bronze it is
  • edited May 2014
    i'm about to play 10 matches to get inside a league...

    last time i played ranked those metalic ranks werent a real thing yet

    can i assume i'll be put in a league based on my performance?
    In the provisional, the highest you can get on a fresh account is gold V. The reason why some people can score higher or can't get any higher would be because of their MMR (match making rating) from last season. The amount of points you gain or lose is based on your win rating overall the seasons. For example I am set around mid gold level, but during the season I tanked all my provisional games through bad luck and still ended up in mid silver due to last season's rankings. When I won games I gained 35 points and when I lost I'd only lose about 10 points as if the game was saying gtfo this league.

    On topic: My comfort picks are usually high utility champions like Lulu and Lee Sin. Of course I've never actually disliked playing any hero aside from teemo. Pandachu is my summoner's name if anyone feels like catching a game.

    I play dota every blue moon and the only champs I really play are the stealth heroes and windrunner. There's something about them gingers.
  • i only have 2 rune pages...full ap and full cdr

    this honestly puts me in any lane i end up with...

    just did a match with ashe using trinity stattik and throwing giant arrows on 40%cdr like there's no tomorrow
  • How big of a learning gap for noob dota player to take on lol?
  • LoL is conceptually easier than Dota, as long as you use the same basic mechanics you will do fine
  • LoL is a bit simpler for many reasons, a bit more casual making it more accessible. Because there is a much larger player base there is more people to play with of the same skill level in LoL. The whole "only get some many heroes" thing turned me off as a new player.
  • i started dota, then went lol...when i got back for dota2 it was like i never played before

    the screen, no summoner...naix...such a horrible world
  • edited May 2014
    i started dota, then went lol...when i got back for dota2 it was like i never played before

    the screen, no summoner...naix...such a horrible world
    When I tried Dota after playing league for a few years it was amazing. There were so many abilities that would make league broken. However what I think was most fun were the active items like the force staff and sheep stick.

    I didn't stick to it long though, I kept failing my pathing for some reason on Dota2
  • Galio love this champ and miss fortune
  • Singed baby!

    But I cut my teeth with Garen back in the day.
  • having serious hard time playing at 200 latency on NA...
  • I will DL LOL if someone would show me the ropes.
  • It's very easy to learn to play.
  • Add Unreliable Pain
  • going to my probation #7 now...
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