REASON : Same IP + Interaction
They did it on Daenerys Targaryen (1:13)
April 17, 18:25:44 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The probes origin was RallyRoad (1:9) Our FDC has succeeded in decrypting the probes origin and mission:
Origin: RallyRoad (1:9)
Mission: Spy on Military
Probes Sent: 49,228 (Lost: 1,231)
April 17, 18:25:47 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by remote probes.
April 17, 20:59:28 Forces from Hasu (1:18) have invaded our kingdom. Although our defenses were brave, we regret to inform you that they were unsuccessful holding back the opposition.
We have lost 1,575 planets, 96,499 platinum, 5,102 civilians, 305,200 energy, and 200 honor.
Our military has lost: 1,287 soldiers, 2,257 laser troopers, 20,493 laser dragoons, and 3,038 tanks.
RallyRoad (1:9)
Kingdom Information
Planet Type: Mountainous
Networth: 654,359 (115)
Land: 2,923 (103)
Honor: 10,474 (1)
Networth/Land Ratio: 223.87 (178)
Online (Last 10 minutes): Yes
Contact Information
E-Mail Address: None
ICQ Number: None
MSN Address: None
Yahoo Pager: None
AIM Address: None
Last Login:
IPvSK2: 718-BD-34-B9 - April 18, 02:53:02
User has logged in using:
IPvSK2: 718-BD-34-B9
IPvSK2: 785-E7-E7-6B
IPvSK2: 966-EA-87-8F
IPvSK2: 631-91-09-5D
Hasu (1:18)
Kingdom Information
Planet Type: Terra Form
Networth: 6,340,393 (12)
Land: 24,434 (6)
Honor: 4,043 (31)
Networth/Land Ratio: 259.49 (149)
Online (Last 10 minutes): Yes
Contact Information
E-Mail Address: None
ICQ Number: None
MSN Address: None
Yahoo Pager: None
AIM Address: None
Last Login:
IPvSK2: 718-BD-34-B9 - April 18, 02:48:01
User has logged in using:
IPvSK2: 718-BD-34-B9
IPvSK2: 785-E7-E7-6B
IPvSK2: 854-C6-F7-C2
IPvSK2: 966-EA-87-8F
I am Hasu, my buddy works with me, hes rally. He got steamrolled early round from the dws, so just build a honor whore since he was screwed landwise. Dharma and Isis are KTing me because we interact and Match. (we work together so our computers and phones often share the same IPS) the only not matching ones are our home IPS.
Okay so this is my question. There is less then 100active players, you get 24pas per day. I have been extremely careful ALL round, asking rally daily who and what sectors hes been near, so i can avoid at all costs. Now as you can see, the SOK/SOM rally took was nearly 3 hours before the hit i made was done, rally has like 30k probes on his honor whore KD. I have over 350k, i obviously have no need of his probes for gettign soks.
The reason rally was probing 1:13, was because that sector was killing MasterBlaster (De Ho) and so he was taking SoKs of there bigger hitters and putting them up in the AFs. Me (hasu) had been looking at Daenery for like 3 days, he was getting in range i wanted for land (15000) I took my OWN sok and hit him hours after sok by rally was taken.
So my question is. With less then 100 players and the obvious fact that i have done nearly everything i can to avoid going near sectors rallly has been near should i be KT for this? If you guys think this is obvious cheating i will delete right now, but i dont see how this can be avoided 100%, i did everything i could to not interact, but with only 100 players (or less) and only 20-30 in my land range its extremely hard to play this game with a buddy.
Let me know what u think, if u think its wrong ill delete.
The SOK was shared with you from a kingdom with the same IP..
If you had got your OWN SOK it may have been a different story...
use kd a to find a target
use kd b to get "your own" sok and hit
ip with interaction should always be kt.
So how were you not to know he got it...
April 18, 02:40:00 Wonderland (1:4) Rob Banks 300,000 1,800 Your probes have successfully robbed their banks. They came back with 830,558 platinum.
This is my earliest probe history left on my page. I rob or take soks of others every tick so it clears fast.
Let me google that for you.
We use a sorce called NIPRNet. Since alot of our info we send over it is sensitive its safe, SK is one of many sites its allows. Mainly because there isnt any danger with SK long as u dont click advertisements
and as u know, having a job these days isnt easy for everyone so until i find something that pays as well and isnt in the goverment i gotta stick it out