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Can't activate my SK account

edited March 2014 in Bugs and Exploits
i did receive the "new user" email, however the email with the activation code never arrived.
when i try to resend the activation code i keep get the same error:

Sending activation code to email address:
Couldn't resend email: Bad Message Field.

please assist


  • Spam folder?
  • not there.
  • Is there actually a period at the end of that email address, or is that supposed to be the end of a sentence?
  • Can email addresses have periods at the end of them?
  • I mean the .com appearing as .com.
  • I just realized the automated email does that. This is what I received when I sent an invite to another email address:

    To Me

    Mar 7 at 12:43 AM

    Hello ****

    This is an email to let you know about a free online game called Star Kingdoms.
  • Zarbuv, when you try resending the activation code is there any way you can remove the period?

    If not, you are probably better off just recreating your BSGid
  • edited March 2014
    try logging in the through just the bsg i.d

    try resending the code through there. you're welcome ;-)
  • Hi all and thank you.
    the period is there as part of the sentence.

    Arson -i couldnt find a way to ask for activation code from BSG root.
    only restore password.
  • Update:
    i created new user in centaury universe and it works for me.
    however in Terranove it still dosent work:(
  • Make a new bsg id. Do you have a spare email?
  • Man, I have not had to enter my activation code in years. I always just sign in and click the button to make it go away.
  • Get him bcart's adress so he can make a complain personally
  • Get him bcart's adress so he can make a complain personally
    You must be new around here ;-)
  • Get him bcart's adress so he can make a complain personally
    here you go:

    You're welcome :)
  • Get him bcart's adress so he can make a complain personally
    here you go:

    You're welcome :)
  • Star Kingdoms: Players helping players fail.
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