This was a pretty amusing topic at the casino this weekend, got me wondering how intelligent the average SK player is.
You place a bet on either Red or Black, making it a 50/50 shot you'll win. At our table, we had a pretty even split of people who believed that if Red came up six times in a row, Black would be more likely to come next.
The other half claim this is why gamblers have an issue, they dont understand odds etc etc.. They state that red coming up for a seventh time in a row is as likely as it beung red/black/red/black/red/black/red.
Would be surprised how many people dont understand why the correct answer is correct.
For the former, Black would be more likely to come up if against odds of six consecutive blacks, because that would be 1/2 versus 1/2^6
But its all independent of eachother so doesn't matter how many blacks you have, the next roll is always independent.
BTW the odds of hitting Red (or Black) is 18/38 (or about 48%).
I dont know if its daytime soaps causing retardation, or Justin Bieber...but something is making people stupid.
case closed