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ZX/RM Turtles 1.6

edited December 2013 in General
Ok just reopening this thread because some bell closed my other thread

The zx turtles have done nothing wrong
And by the rules of this game and the rules what we've had for years upon years don't perceive there activity as cheating

2 Romanian turtles have 1x i.p connection
However they are friends and logged in threw the same internet output in a internet cafe

There is nothing wrong with this


If there is interaction show me????

If not they can not be killed for this reason

If they are then they rules to I.p change from now on

This to me sounds like s blatant witch hunt against some strong turtles


  • you know they can talk for themselves...

    why are you devil's advocate all of a sudden?
  • edited December 2013
    They admitted using a PW to log in. Wasn't internet cafe. Though matching IPs is nothing without interaction while matching. And Rules state no account sharing. So if player made rules are what we go by for KTs... nothing was done wrong. Administrator's rules dictate account should be disabled.

    Tough Call.
  • Ok well here I HAVE one here for you pie to look at
  • Not seeing anything, Sir
  • You sound so desperate.
  • closed my other thread
    My goodness you are in love with yourself, aren't you? The thread was reduced to name calling and people wishing other people to choke. If this thread goes a similar route, you can count on it getting closed as well.
  • They admitted using a PW to log in. Wasn't internet cafe. Though matching IPs is nothing without interaction while matching. And Rules state no account sharing. So if player made rules are what we go by for KTs... nothing was done wrong. Administrator's rules dictate account should be disabled.

    Tough Call.

    Ok I like Cobras a lot latterly but if people accuse the zx of cheating then please look at this screen shot its stunners chat

    Is that cheating??? Account swapping will instantly mean i..p matches
  • Is it just me? I don't see a screenshot anywhere.
  • Sorry for double post

    My computers scrambling
  • i heard turtle poop is rich in nutrients

  • Ok just reopening this thread because some bell closed my other thread

    The zx turtles have done nothing wrong
    And by the rules of this game and the rules what we've had for years upon years don't perceive there activity as cheating

    2 Romanian turtles have 1x i.p connection
    However they are friends and logged in threw the same internet output in a internet cafe

    There is nothing wrong with this


    If there is interaction show me????

    If not they can not be killed for this reason

    If they are then they rules to I.p change from now on

    This to me sounds like s blatant witch hunt against some strong turtles

    your grammar and knowledge of the words through, and their is disturbing.

    ip and interaction is to kill people who claim they are 'siblings' etc.

    matching ip is usually enough to warrant a kt, unless they normally matched all round and clearly stated why etc.

    i'm so glad you aren't a judge.
    we have a dead guy, a weapon, a motive, evidence he was there, and you're basically saying, sorry no case, we need an eyewitness who saw the actual murder taking place or else they're obviously innocent.
  • Viva, there will be a war against the Romanian turtles no matter how much you scream. I'm in phantomz and not looking forward to it, but such is life.
  • So viva let me get this straight, you caused a fuss over me matching another kd, but no interaction... yet now you defend that?

    Sounds like you are as hopeless as the rest of sks noobs hahaha
  • Zeality you and pop tart probed the same targets
    He was your probe farm
  • They admitted using a PW to log in. Wasn't internet cafe. Though matching IPs is nothing without interaction while matching. And Rules state no account sharing. So if player made rules are what we go by for KTs... nothing was done wrong. Administrator's rules dictate account should be disabled.

    Tough Call.

    Sorry pie
    Yes phone
    My bad
  • c'est la viva!
  • Zeality you and pop tart probed the same targets
    He was your probe farm
    If it happened, you sad folks would have proven it.

  • so much talk about a minor thing. you're just like women. exaggerate things :)

    me and dobrota are real life friends. we live in the same city. we were having a drink and he wanted to grab someone and needed sl. my phone battery was low so i logged in on his mobile phone . voted him as SL to make the grab. and logged off . that was all. no interaction whatsoever

    if you are looking for some proof of won't find it `cause there isn't any.
  • kill em anyway just for lulz
  • I dont remember dobrota being a cheat, usually just turtles away and minds his own business.
  • I dont remember dobrota being a cheat, usually just turtles away and minds his own business.

    Admin close thread
  • I dont remember dobrota being a cheat, usually just turtles away and minds his own business.
    Truth. Check that honor out...2087... my 600k nw kd has more. Dobrota just has a high nw so he must be cheat!

    It doesn't help when viva is trying to defend him. Viva is doing more harm than good.
  • viva makes good sk drama

    plz continue
  • Honestly otherthread devolved to much. this thread hasn't viva does seem to be lobbying hard......
  • not sure why the other thread was locked with evidence about everything

    great moderation....
  • if viva isnt banned from the forums by friday then my time here is done
  • @nimrod #1 read the last page, it was circling the toilet bowl.

    @nimrod #2 do you promise?
  • @nimrod #1 read the last page, it was circling the toilet bowl.
    you mean posting evidence about people cheating and you and pie having a cry and disagreeing because they are in your alliance?

    zeality was killed for less
    @nimrod #2 do you promise?
    yea m8

    im sick of my intelligence falling whenever i read his posts
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