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Universal KTs



  • Oh man, secretland, haven't heard that name in a long time. That guy used to build KDs like a boss.
  • edited July 2013
    there are lots of people who play with numbers on here, its not hard if you try hard enough to figure something out, even skydragon figured out how to ghost, I think thats pretty crazy
    Oh stop, you're making me blush. I did it for you guys because I love you all so much. :X

    Suckers! I actually wanted to rape you all with my 500 billion god-strat, bench pressin, ass kicking DW ghost multi's the following round! Muwahahaha!
  • darius ou are calcing military strength wrong. I wont tell you how, but do it right please. Dont use macro-pseudo-stupidity to think you have a correct method, do it right.

    but I guess thats not asking much, because you cant even figure out the coefficients for the researches. noobs be noobs
  • You are arguing maths with an asian here, now you have gone too far.

    Can I just ask a question here seriously. When you mention how great your strat is, are you just talking about for the first few days? because I have no doubt it will be a decent newbie/newbie leaving strategy. But that is meaningless almost

    I failed 4 out of my first 6 hits one round and still ended up as #1. During the first week the top 5 is littered with random people who appear and disappear. The main players dont care about this and lay low, it is when you get to around 1 million NW that they start breaking away.

    My point is, when you say removing luck elements, it just doesnt happen. Unless I am missing something by not playing in recent rounds and there is suddenly untouched inactives for everyone then with every single hit there is the potential to get 10 land and shit money.

    Are tick hitters not around anymore? there was genuine competition for anything above 15 land on inactives a few rounds back. Like serious competition with around 8-10 people hitting at X:00:00
  • edited July 2013

    Okay, serious question gets a serious answer. The concept behind the strat requires you to pay close attention early to KD creation times. During the game when I'm looking for inactives I track KDs via KD #'s and tick hit as fast as or faster than 99% of people, using multiple tabs pre-filled in for attacks and ctrl tab.

    With faster returns you're capable of hitting the inactives that nobody else, who is good enough to be tick hitting, will be able to due to long early returns of 14-18h minumum. This means competition for your hits are drastically reduced, since nobody has WLs, and you're guaranteed to find at least a few hits nobody else can grab who hit immediately out of noob if you're hitting inactives with a 8-12h base return.

    I guess I have been gone longer than I thought. I am used to shitloads of people waiting each with multiple windows to tick hit inactives.

    I believe I was genuinely very good at it at one time but even then I think I only got first hits 75% of the time. If not it was 10 land

    There was even people who had programs that flooded the server with requests during the last few seconds of the tick in an attempt to get tick hits

    People tried using reload every on shitloads of windows each constantly refreshing to get the first hit

    It was genuinely a challenge and quite fun.

    I think you've been playing long enough to know that people will always make inactives, and there will always be bank farms around early, or at the very, very least on a bad day 250 landers with 1.3 mill or so cash.
    Again not sure what it is like now but before I left when it got to day 5/6 there was a genuine lack of land in the universe, especially from inactives. We sometimes had to wait 6-8 hours just for one to pop out of newbie, and even then there was the situation mentioned above. It was every man for himself on inacts.

    Got to the point where we would be guessing military and sending 400 tanks blind just to try and get 20 land.

    Its a dynamic strat, if you notice there is a heavy lack of inactives, you can retain your income instead of converting. I had my first 3 rounds of hits already identified, tracked through noob and confirmed to them be bank farms when I watched them grow and based on PTs. All it took was a bit of spreadsheeting and logging in 14-20hs into noob to write down any and all KDs created during this time, then the same thing once hits had been identified and I had calced the coords of the ones I planned to hit, 16-17 hours later. Same thing again I think 8-12h after that, since I wouldnt have EC/RWCE maxed until the second wave due to playing it extra defensive when I saw the DW multis.

    Your strat isnt much different to the one we have been using for years. Probe income with high pop out of the gate before pushing income later on. I will even go as far as saying I agree with this next part

    No, the flaw in this strat is it is not designed to last very long in the game. Not because of its design, but because of the actual gameplay. If you're very successful early you will get killed off by multis or suicders etc etc immediately, just because people get jealous and dont want anyone to be able to run away with the round when they are stopped relatively easy early on.
    Because the exact same thing happened to us every single round. We couldnt group, we couldnt hit the same guy within like 48 hours even if we were in different alliances otherwise everyone would cry and we would be KTed.

    Like I said your strat is basically the same as the one we used. Except for the units you build. To say you can outbuild anyone with it though that is the silly part, because the people you are saying it to have physically done ingame what you are saying COULD be achieved with it but havent yet done it ;)

  • If only novel writing contributed to kingdom building skills you'd both be pretty impressive.
  • Sooo many wordsss
  • I wish I could splock every thread that spiraled out of control like this.
  • edited July 2013
    So back on track with the thread.

    As I said, as soon as I hit Dhara 1:15, my sector got rolled 10 minutes later. Far from a coincidence. Dhara or friends of him are involved in the multies.
  • So back on track with the thread.

    As I said, as soon as I hit Dhara 1:15, my sector got rolled 10 minutes later. Far from a coincidence. Dhara or friends of him are involved in the multies.
    Maybe Gravity is just on the ball? :)

    I don't know Dhara from prior, but he seems like a cool guy this round. Was he online when you hit him?
  • So back on track with the thread.

    As I said, as soon as I hit Dhara 1:15, my sector got rolled 10 minutes later. Far from a coincidence. Dhara or friends of him are involved in the multies.

    Maybe Gravity is just on the ball? :)

    I don't know Dhara from prior, but he seems like a cool guy this round. Was he online when you hit him?
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