So I've discovered that the rounds thrive soooo slow here lately, so I'm proposing a quick yet effective fix.
Quit banning Multis...
Bcart don't you close this window... Stay with me here!
Let us rid of multis like we used to in the old days, match their consistent log in times, ispvks or whatever that abbri. is and let us destroy the player in game. OR even better, when you find multis, just disable it but don't delete it completely it, allow us to eat the land! The land has to come from somewhere... I think this is a good solution.
Have you played more than this round recently, RohanCastle? Eventually about 1/8 of the active kingdoms have multi roots - and that's only a slight exaggeration.
What cart needs to do is run inactive scripts that no one but him can control "Least we know they wont become aggressive" And replenish once they die off... This is also a double edged sword that goes against the main fundamentalism of this game "Domination". Having plenty of inacts promotes turtling and thus a round of "pretty pretty kingdoms" instead of a war game...
I have suggested "Growing inacts" to many SK cloners in the past and none have tried it... This would force people to build offense if the inacts grew a percentage of there max potential every day. And wouldn't really promote turtling.
Problem is on SK the "growing multis" have the potential to out grow players and archive lol... It would work in a clone with a active admin who can delete them end round for archives.
Old times multis was often a farm for some players, could be pop or money farm... and in the end land farm after he had disbanded the defense. Most of the multis we see today are oceanic 250 land KD's with no login history... only take up spot and weakening the sectors who had got them.
your pics are almost as bad as your mg skills