Since I have my own thread I'm gonna hijack it. Everyone needs to get on Dota 2 to make an SK team. Just search for it on Steam and apply. You can pay to get in but that's 30 bucks which is kinda silly. Apply then add ezwip as a friend.
SK is great for poops and smoke breaks but Dota 2 is the best game ever made. Don't be like Lynog and make Football Manager the only other game you ever play. Get on the bus.
Get hold of me pos I have the perfect team build for diretyde. Have not lost with it yet. If you play I'll invite ya in to a staged match for easy rares. I love Dota like HG loves meth.
LoL ftw
LOL is a clone of Dota for people that prefer farming over fighting at the start of a match. If you can't handle someone steam rolling and shutting you down right away because you made a bad decision play LOL. Dota is unforgiving, brutal, and people are ruder here than you can believe. The amount of anger directed to new people is unreal. You will find better manners picking a street fight with a stranger than a normal match of Dota. I love that kind of shit I fit right in. The last person I got signed up was Mikey. They cussed him out for 60 minutes straight. I have not seen him since. He was from LOL and they could smell it on him. They called him out within 60 seconds. He died and I saw the comment... uninstall and go back to LOL you fucking noob.
Dude I agree but... the sales are so cheap you will stop pirating games completely. Let's be honest those are full of virii and you wait forever on updates plus no multi player. As you know most ai sucks. Best trojan ever. I was die hard anti Steam a year ago. Now I have like 50 games from them. The govt has us backdoored from day one. The only fix is unplugging wifi and the web. Steam is just awesome give in you will thank me later.
I have only one complaint with them. If I buy a game and it doesn't run on my pc they could give a fuck less. Same with the franchise. Both point at the other then you sit and spin. I've had to tweak several titles and have one that won't start at all. Everything said and done I was out 5 bucks and pirated the game.
hey dank. nice to hear someone thinks ure so smart . now i feel better bout them accusing me 4 dank..... haha maybe i should be in ur alliance nxt round 2 bring together great minds. *looking deep into my pockt for my minature hand book labeled " how to make friends.......... on SK" *.
Since I have my own thread I'm gonna hijack it. Everyone needs to get on Dota 2 to make an SK team. Just search for it on Steam and apply. You can pay to get in but that's 30 bucks which is kinda silly. Apply then add ezwip as a friend.
SK is great for poops and smoke breaks but Dota 2 is the best game ever made. Don't be like Lynog and make Football Manager the only other game you ever play. Get on the bus.
you just don't have a tin foil hat on or your head up your own ass like him to notice it.
SK is great for poops and smoke breaks but Dota 2 is the best game ever made. Don't be like Lynog and make Football Manager the only other game you ever play. Get on the bus.
nobody took me up on the offer though
I have only one complaint with them. If I buy a game and it doesn't run on my pc they could give a fuck less. Same with the franchise. Both point at the other then you sit and spin. I've had to tweak several titles and have one that won't start at all. Everything said and done I was out 5 bucks and pirated the game.