Well that was kinda my point Dank, his physique doesn't apply to his skill at his given task, so I can't put them on the same level of talent. Still pretty impressive though. Read an article where they claimed the pro-gamers have the same skillset a fighter pilot does. Meaning their reaction time, how keen their minds are etc.; in a hundred years from now, I see some serious real-world applications for hardcore gamers.
Well that was kinda my point Dank, his physique doesn't apply to his skill at his given task, so I can't put them on the same level of talent. Still pretty impressive though. Read an article where they claimed the pro-gamers have the same skillset a fighter pilot does. Meaning their reaction time, how keen their minds are etc.; in a hundred years from now, I see some serious real-world applications for hardcore gamers.
We are already there though. The army has trained kids out highschool for their bomb squads. These kids sit in the back of APV's with an xbox controller and steer a device to disable a bomb. That shit is pretty cool to watch.
My father actually has a contract with the government to run the Predator drones. That's some fun shit to watch, and its all done real-time via a flight simulator platform. Rather impressive!
See that is why they want to call a gamer an athlete. They want to give a guy sitting in a room that is in no danger the same medal as someone putting their life on the line. That's fucked up is what that is and it degrades the people who earned that the hard way. This is propoganda and I really hope people see it that way. It aint right on so many levels. You make me physically ill lately Darubian I don't know what caused this but take your head out of your ass. Go report me to the authorities for free speech pussy. Send the drones at me they fly over my house all day anyways you would think I was in North Korea.
See that is why they want to call a gamer an athlete. They want to give a guy sitting in a room that is in no danger the same medal as someone putting their life on the line. That's fucked up is what that is and it degrades the people who earned that the hard way. This is propoganda and I really hope people see it that way. It aint right on so many levels. You make me physically ill lately Darubian I don't know what caused this but take your head out of your ass. Go report me to the authorities for free speech pussy. Send the drones at me they fly over my house all day anyways you would think I was in North Korea.
The more exposure and interest a play of competition garners - the more competitors, and science and theory the play of competition gets. Simultaneously the level of pressure from fans and sponsors increases. It is ALWAYS in the best interest of any player of any competition who cares enough to make it a serious part of his life to be in peak physical, mental, and psychological states - because either you eventually die with your sport or will be fighting to stay on top every single day.
And anyone else think that Bleach has lost the plot? Still a fan of the Manga though.
Bleach will always be my favourite but where it has stopped there is only 1 more series/season left and its finished so i think it can be given a little more credit has been so enjoyable to watch but it is true there are only so many times you can watch soul society get invaded or ichigo rescuing friends and finishing battles with 1 very powerful attack before it gets boring lol.
And anyone else think that Bleach has lost the plot? Still a fan of the Manga though.
Bleach will always be my favourite but where it has stopped there is only 1 more series/season left and its finished so i think it can be given a little more credit has been so enjoyable to watch but it is true there are only so many times you can watch soul society get invaded or ichigo rescuing friends and finishing battles with 1 very powerful attack before it gets boring lol.
My housemates been bugging me about watching FMA brotherhood...i might have to someday
Soul Eater, Full Metal Panic, Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing, Death Note, D Gray Man, One Piece, Bleach, Trinity Blood, Vampire Knight,
Dont really care about games i get bored easily im even amazed ive played this crappy game for as long as i have
watched fma, deathnote
btw, anyone who says bleach is good should shoot themselves
im more into the romance/ psychological thrillers/ drama :-p
Was about to call you a fag but then realised nearly all anime is about friendship and love lol
And now im calling you a fag for thinking Bleach sucks i even own the Wii game that i dont even play anymore because i go to the stage that you have to use that fucking character that HEALS their opponent when you cut them with your sword! like WHAT THE SHIT! you have to fall over and be a total Flazer to kill them -.-
Read an article where they claimed the pro-gamers have the same skillset a fighter pilot does. Meaning their reaction time, how keen their minds are etc.; in a hundred years from now, I see some serious real-world applications for hardcore gamers.
My father actually has a contract with the government to run the Predator drones. That's some fun shit to watch, and its all done real-time via a flight simulator platform. Rather impressive!
what games i play? the best kind
give me a game, ill say if its good or not
Dont really care about games i get bored easily im even amazed ive played this crappy game for as long as i have
noob, noob, noob, huge noob, talnoy, noob, noob
And anyone else think that Bleach has lost the plot? Still a fan of the Manga though.
btw, anyone who says bleach is good should shoot themselves
im more into the romance/ psychological thrillers/ drama :-p
And now im calling you a fag for thinking Bleach sucks i even own the Wii game that i dont even play anymore because i go to the stage that you have to use that fucking character that HEALS their opponent when you cut them with your sword! like WHAT THE SHIT! you have to fall over and be a total Flazer to kill them -.-