Never tell your password to anyone.
LoosSerine: yo
ExO: hm?
LoosSerine: sb?
ExO: whats an sb
LoosSerine: silentbutterfly?
ExO: whats a silentbutterfly?
LoosSerine: on SK
ExO: whats an SK?
LoosSerine: ShroetKommando
ExO: underpants symphony
ExO: yes this is SB
LoosSerine: lol i know it is
LoosSerine: fag
LoosSerine: btw
LoosSerine: just an addition, i'd recommend you try eve
LoosSerine: if you like sins of a solar empire
LoosSerine: and space rts
ExO: I've never played sins
ExO: but eve takes way too much time and money
LoosSerine: time nope
ExO: im not interested in subscription
LoosSerine: money nope
LoosSerine: cos you dont need to grind
LoosSerine: for levels
LoosSerine: and moneywise, you'll be making enough to pay for accounts a month
ExO: Id just stop
ExO: im not going to eve lol
LoosSerine: takes me like 7 hours a month and i make enough for an account
ExO: im an RTS player primarily
ExO: not an RPG
LoosSerine: ah
ExO: I wanna try sins b/c I liked homeworld, was my first RTS ev er
ExO: and people have said its like a more complex homeworld
LoosSerine: ah
LoosSerine: if you like RTS
LoosSerine: you should try...erm
LoosSerine: well i guess you have tried stuff like total war
LoosSerine: and civ
LoosSerine: perhaps try some of the smaller stuff, like hearts of iron
ExO: I have civ, haven't really played it. Haven't played total war
ExO: keep in my im a hardcore Broodwar and Starcraft 2 player
LoosSerine: i know
LoosSerine: haha
LoosSerine: ive seen your sc2 page
ExO: so some of these are like lesser SC2/BWs to me
LoosSerine: you got ownt by lissa

LoosSerine: i absolutely despise sc2
LoosSerine: aoe was always my fave
ExO: lissa doesn't play sc2
LoosSerine: oh
LoosSerine: was it default then
ExO: it was DT, and it was 4v4
LoosSerine: cant remember who it was
LoosSerine: ah thats it
ExO: the only reason default posted that was because I caught him hacking in sc2
ExO: and he was publicly ousted in teamliquid as a hacker
LoosSerine: lol
ExO: ever since then he's had a grudge against me
LoosSerine: whenever i go back to china, theres like 3-4 dedicated 24/7 channels on wc3 and like 2 on sc2
LoosSerine: on terrestrial tv
LoosSerine: fucking clogs up all the channels....
LoosSerine: oh with commentating too :P
ExO: Im fully aware of the chinese scene
LoosSerine: yeh not sure which is worse, koreans or us
ExO: I'm sorry that sc2 and wc3 are above your understanding :P
LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
LoosSerine: i liked tower defence maps
LoosSerine: haha
ExO: yeah those tower defense maps
ExO: take so much understanding
ExO: You're so retarded you don't even realise that you're incapable of fully undestanding complex concepts
LoosSerine: haha complex concepts
LoosSerine: haha grunts 'work work'
LoosSerine: yeh sure
ExO: Your response to me
ExO: "LoosSerine: haha grunts 'work work'
ExO: I rest my case
LoosSerine: nah its my case closed
LoosSerine: i win
LoosSerine: you lose
LoosSerine: high five for me
LoosSerine: mexican wave
ExO: I seriously qusetion your ability to have a conversation
LoosSerine: I can...just not with a deluded, biased sc2 player
LoosSerine: i accept the fact some games are better than others, i accept that. But you seem too arrogant to accept anything other than SC2 is godlike
ExO: My words never indiciated as such
LoosSerine: look at your SC2 playerbase, its all lowlifes who sit in gaming cafes for 24 hours
LoosSerine: case closed
ExO: to take them as implying that is a severe misunderstanding and assumption on your part
LoosSerine: ExO: I'm sorry that sc2 and wc3 are above your understanding :P
LoosSerine: just because i dont like the game...
ExO: that's in response
LoosSerine: well done
ExO: to what you said
ExO: You saying it's below your level of something or other, I can't scroll up
LoosSerine: nope
LoosSerine: you should learn to read
ExO: copy the chat for me then since I can't figure out how to bring up the chat history via steam just yet
ExO: and I'll show you exactly what I mean
LoosSerine: LoosSerine: yo
ExO: hm?
LoosSerine: sb?
ExO: whats an sb
LoosSerine: silentbutterfly?
ExO: whats a silentbutterfly?
LoosSerine: on SK
ExO: whats an SK?
LoosSerine: ShroetKommando
ExO: underpants symphony
ExO: yes this is SB
LoosSerine: lol i know it is
LoosSerine: fag
LoosSerine: btw
LoosSerine: just an addition, i'd recommend you try eve
LoosSerine: if you like sins of a solar empire
LoosSerine: and space rts
ExO: but eve takes way too much time and money
LoosSerine: time nope
ExO: im not interested in subscription
LoosSerine: money nope
LoosSerine: cos you dont need to grind
LoosSerine: for levels
LoosSerine: and moneywise, you'll be making enough to pay for accounts a month
ExO: Id just stop
ExO: im not going to eve lol
LoosSerine: takes me like 7 hours a month and i make enough for an account
ExO: im an RTS player primarily
ExO: not an RPG
LoosSerine: ah
ExO: I wanna try sins b/c I liked homeworld, was my first RTS ev er
ExO: and people have said its like a more complex homeworld
LoosSerine: ah
LoosSerine: if you like RTS
LoosSerine: you should try...erm
LoosSerine: well i guess you have tried stuff like total war
LoosSerine: and civ
LoosSerine: perhaps try some of the smaller stuff, like hearts of iron
ExO: I have civ, haven't really played it. Haven't played total war
ExO: keep in my im a hardcore Broodwar and Starcraft 2 player
LoosSerine: i know
LoosSerine: haha
LoosSerine: ive seen your sc2 page
ExO: so some of these are like lesser SC2/BWs to me
LoosSerine: you got ownt by lissa
LoosSerine: i absolutely despise sc2
LoosSerine: aoe was always my fave
ExO: lissa doesn't play sc2
LoosSerine: oh
LoosSerine: was it default then
ExO: it was DT, and it was 4v4
LoosSerine: cant remember who it was
LoosSerine: ah thats it
ExO: the only reason default posted that was because I caught him hacking in sc2
ExO: and he was publicly ousted in teamliquid as a hacker
LoosSerine: lol
ExO: ever since then he's had a grudge against me
LoosSerine: ExO: ever since then he's had a grudge against me
LoosSerine: whenever i go back to china, theres like 3-4 dedicated 24/7 channels on wc3 and like 2 on sc2
LoosSerine: on terrestrial tv
LoosSerine: fucking clogs up all the channels....
LoosSerine: oh with commentating too :P
ExO: Im fully aware of the chinese scene
LoosSerine: yeh not sure which is worse, koreans or us
ExO: I'm sorry that sc2 and wc3 are above your understanding :P
LoosSerine: so you should apologize in your failed assumptions
LoosSerine: i would
ExO: I shouldn't at all
ExO: LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
LoosSerine: yeh
LoosSerine: thats after you said it to me
LoosSerine: retard
ExO: LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
LoosSerine: ExO: I'm sorry that sc2 and wc3 are above your understanding :P
LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
LoosSerine: there you go
LoosSerine: so you decided to insult me despite the fact i stated i disliked the game
LoosSerine: which is why i slated you for it
LoosSerine: i'd never slate someone personally on their viewpoints unless they incite it first
ExO: You're opinion was made clear through your statements
LoosSerine: yeh i said i despised the game
LoosSerine: so what
ExO: That the game was clogging up the channels, and you weren;'t sure which was worse, you or koreans
LoosSerine: i also think mw3 is a piece of shit
LoosSerine: yeh so
LoosSerine: i didnt state that i was above it
ExO: So as a game that is rather complex, and has provided millions of dollars in prize money to players, allowing people to make their living off of it
LoosSerine: its an opinion
LoosSerine: so
ExO: To say you despise it and its below your understanding
LoosSerine: a lot of games has
LoosSerine: below my understanding?
ExO: LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
LoosSerine: i used to play competitively
ExO: In what lol
LoosSerine: cs
ExO: Oh an FPS
LoosSerine: im sorry, you dont have the 'understanding'
ExO: clearly because you played competitvely in an FPS that means you fully understand not only the game of sc2 but the entire competitive scene
ExO: my apologies
LoosSerine: it has millions of players and generates prize money
ExO: The arrogance that oozes from you is quite frankly amazing
LoosSerine: haha sc2 retard
LoosSerine: im arrogant?
LoosSerine: haha you are saying anyone who doesnt like sc2 is retarded
LoosSerine: you arrogant ignorant fool
ExO: Not at all you are free to like or dislike any game
LoosSerine: and douchebag, considering you keep posting me saying its below my understanding
LoosSerine: look at what you wrote before that statment
LoosSerine: ExO: I'm sorry that sc2 and wc3 are above your understanding :P
LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
LoosSerine: ExO: I'm sorry that sc2 and wc3 are above your understanding :P
LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
ExO: but to insult the level of understanding and dedication it takes to play sc2 at a competiiive level
ExO: is arrogance
LoosSerine: dude i never insulted the level of understanding
ExO: and completely ridiculous
LoosSerine: YOU DID
LoosSerine: you fucking retard, READ! you said its above my understanding
LoosSerine: ExO: I'm sorry that sc2 and wc3 are above your understanding :P
LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
LoosSerine: ExO: I'm sorry that sc2 and wc3 are above your understanding :P
LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
ExO: Clearly you are not able to take a joke that is in relation to what you said about the game clogging up the fucking channels
LoosSerine: i took it as a joke
ExO: notice the :P
LoosSerine: noticing why i continued talkign about tower defence
ExO: Your response indicates otherwise
LoosSerine: ExO: I'm sorry that sc2 and wc3 are above your understanding :P
LoosSerine: lol its below my understanding
LoosSerine: its retarded haha
LoosSerine: i liked tower defence maps
LoosSerine: haha
ExO: yeah those tower defense maps
ExO: take so much understanding
ExO: You're so retarded you don't even realise that you're incapable of fully undestanding complex concepts
LoosSerine: you cant fucking comprehend what you are even writing
LoosSerine: lol too much time spent on sc2 i presume
LoosSerine: haha
ExO: And furthermore, I am done wasting my time with somebody who simply cannot carry on an intillegent conversation, who is simply posting nonsense and insults at this point
ExO: msg me when you are ready to apologize
LoosSerine: you posted the insults first
LoosSerine: so fuck you
LoosSerine: i aint apologizing for what i didnt do
LoosSerine: you insulted me twice before i even began
But piss off with this shit.
He now ignored me...:(
LoosSerine: you wanna play some dota2?
LoosSerine: aww you arent mad are you
Also, on the comment about people making a living off of playing SC2, this would imply its a career?
If so, we would match the complexity of it against other careers, no? I would put the guy who has to learn to make 20 different sandwiches at McDonald's on the same level of complexity as a professional SC2 player. Its a semi-complex game, but as far as jobs/careers go... it took a few fat kids with very little else going for them in life to spawn an industry where you can make a decent paycheque from gaming. Props to them and all, but there's nothing noteworthy about it. Its not a real sport or even a career in my eyes :-p
inb4 someone tries to defend videogames as careers
Why cant video gaming be treated at the same level as professional sports? Doesnt just as much training and skill go into gaming as it does with sports?
I am biased as I aspired to be a professional athlete for 16 or so years, but I don't believe I am wrong in my beliefs. I mean hockey players, as I question the discipline of some other popular sports... for example, a professional hockey player is built upon years of training, adapting, practising and overall treating their body as the tool to success. This means, in the higher tiers of the sport, your meals are largely regulated, your workout routine has to be superb.
Laziness in your life translates to reduced efficiency and endurance on the ice. Now we look at professional gamers: their mental acuity is no doubt on par with other athletes. Fair enough. Visual response times? Probably the same. Thats where I would draw the line though, as their bodies have got to be in a sorry state due to the ludicrous hours spent sitting down.
Can't comment on "training" for video games as I've never heard of it, I wouldn't know. I imagine they have finger exercises or something such. In relation to SC, they learn the rock/paper/scissors format of the game, counters/builds etc., thats all memory though.
I could probably write a 10-page paper on why nobody should consider them as equivalent to athletes, but that'll do for now as I'm tired :-p
Example; Skyler Johnson AKA Foreplayy
Foreplayy is a professional gamer, who is currently sponsored by Optics to play MW3. He is a strong support player working along side team EnvyUS. Foreplayy has been playing video games for some time now, and is probably one of the best in his class. When it comes to training he has stated that he works with his team for many hours through the entire work, to better their strats, and aiming. As with any sport, if you do not continue to hone your skill, it will only deteriorate. Now you would probably think that a person such as this, who has admitted to playing games for well over 80 hours a week would be either fat or skinny, but by all means, out of shape.
Yeah, im not gonna go pissing him off in real life. Now he is a rarity i will admit it, but in todays society a lot of us gamers are starting to work out. A healthier lifestyle is a trend that is rapidly growing in popularity. In fact, Foreplayy above is a huge and endorsed advocate of Gamma Labs, a company which makes drinks to push you to your maximum during a work out. I myself do work out, i have a gym at work that i take full advantage of 4 times out of the week. I am not by any means as ripped as the dude above me, but i wouldnt consider myself to be out of shape. But hell, im a father of two, no way i could be out of shape taking care of them.
Focusing on the job itself, one requires peak physical condition and a keen mind whereas the other requires your mind to be sharp but doesn't care what your body looks like. Thats really the most basic thing I could condense the argument down to; gamers need the same acuity of mind that many athletes need, however athletes also need a body that is borderline insane. Its a pet peeve of mine as its taking credit away from real athletes in my opinion; the dedication and effort put into their work is so much more extreme than a lot of average jobs, nevermind gamers. It would be like comparing a ferrari to a corolla. Different breeds.
Props to that guy for having a body like that while gaming 80 hours a week though.
You make me want to name my first child after you just so i can make a deal with the devil for it to take it away.
We both agree that what the athletes I've mentioned above are a rather unique breed, and they work extremely hard for what they do, but let's consider a sport that requires just as much intense training as any other sport. Golf. These athletes spend days swinging clubs and hoping they outwit, and out stroke every other opponent in the world. Yet hours after they are handed a check for millions, they are back on the putting green practicing their stroke.
Golf by no means is as exhausting as a game such as hockey, and some of those athletes wouldn't last a minute on the rink. So to compare them on the same level as a hockey player is just silly. But in the long run, the funniest thing about the game of golf is that it is the highest paying sport out there today.
My point is that an athlete is an athlete is an athlete. No matter how many days they spend training, in a gym or in front of a television. These people are the best at what they do because of their own passion. To discredit any of them is just silly to me.
Anyway back to the point. I'll agree what they do makes them the best of the best at their own "sport", but that being said, I won't ever agree on the best gamer being on the same tier as a mid-level professional athlete. It's not arguing semantics, either, call them whatever you wish. My issue comes down to the level of talent involved; in my opinion, the levels of talent just aren't comparable.
However, they do deserve credit in their own right, the same way that a good lawyer does, or an excellent salesman does.
And I imagine you would say the same vice-versa, so I suppose its the same thing.
But I can tell you, we both have a lot in common. We are strategist. In the world of sports endurance is key. Wits comes in a very close second. Not only do you have to think on your feet in a moments notice, but your body must react to your immediate needs.
Its the same for gaming. When I play with a team we call things out to each other, and we hone in on those that are making mistakes. The biggest factor with our sports is we have to overcome our weaknesses, learn to improve upon our failures, but above all else, try as hard as we can to prevent our opponents from exploiting them.
When I see someone follow a routine that only leads them downhill, I will press hard on them until they realize they need to change it in a match. When I screw something up I have to quickly pull myself from that disappointment, and move on, adjusting my style for the needs at hand.
What I'm trying to say is that in the long run, my blood is rushing as quickly as yours, our focus must never waiver. But what makes us athletes in the sport of our choosing is the amount of passion we put into it. You like hockey, note taken, you could knock a few of my teeth out. I like gaming, in a game, ill draw down on you before you realize how I've even done it.
As long as you love what you do, you won't be disappointed.
It's interesting to learn different points of view, and Darubian has a reasonable point. Whenever I play CoD, I'm always amused when I land with a team that is vocal about every. fucking. detail. But I guess thats the difference between them and me, I get a good round here and there, overall pretty average. They probably get consistently amazing rounds haha :-p
Thanks Zeal, it was fun.
Is that a crime punks