Who is the best player you know/know of, at each planet type?
Mystical Lands: Simi or Fade
Forest and Wilderness: Cyborg
Mountainous: Sephiroth
Oceanic: Husgalz
Volcanic Inferno: Vindi
Desert Wasteland: Jones
Terra Form: No one I know of
Multiple Terrain: Guadia Imperial
My answers arent that interesting, but I am curious what you guys say.
Forest and Wilderness: EndofDays, KingdomOfDeath, Storlock
Mountainous: Vegeta, husgalz, VBJ
Oceanic: Joe, tyrsis
Volcanic Inferno: HiHaters, rscoot
Desert Wasteland: Kareem, mechatronics, moonlight, lovsan
Terra Form: fupuh, cephaladon
Multiple Terrain: BanditoSK
Last one fits with them all its true >.> <.<
Dw is prolly the hardest to play effective. Since requires a real magic touch. You get to carried away with offence and your kt'd for really no reason, you get to defensive and you fall behind and have trouble catching back up.
As you get lower down though and are breakable it is easy to get carried away. Very easy when for the price of 3 tanks you can buy like 45 million goons haha
Forest and Wilderness: Omni
Mountainous: Sephiroth
Oceanic: Lukeland
Volcanic Inferno: Newbiemode
Desert Wasteland: Tankwolf
Terra Form: SecretLand
Multiple Terrain: Guardia Imperial
I think many might remember when FTB was mysti on s2 as Cloudstrife and just own the whole server, Zaosoul was the one who taught me how to play mysti and he actually did came in rank1 over Omni in Mafakz round or somewhere around that time
FW, I cant really think of anyone so i think i'll put Omni there, same goes for mount with Seph and Oceanic with Lukeland, DeathSK would be close second to him though
Volca, cant remember anyone else but newbiemode
Desert, Tankwolf is a master in it, Jones might come close but not yet
I remember back then when SecretLand was #1 Terra and i was #2, he had like 30 hours lead on me.....
as for MT, Guardia was probably only person playing it rounds after rounds. I'll give him credit for that
Mystical Lands: FTB
Forest and Wilderness: Omni
Mountainous: Sephiroth
Volcanic Inferno:
Desert Wasteland: Tank makes a solid DW, dunno if they beat mine though
Terra Form: SecretLand
Multiple Terrain: Lynog - Been top 3 with easily 15-20 MTs over the last 3 or so years
Cant think of anyone whose made constant top KDs with VI or Ocean, just the odd one or two kds..