Matching + interaction are still currently matching
May 24, 07:08:46 Our kingdom NoMaNsLaNd (1:10) bravely defended against YPC (1:3) and was victorious.
May 24, 08:55:01 Our kingdom NoMaNsLaNd (1:10) bravely defended against Dik Taters (1:3) and lost 2,730 planets
Can't wait to hear TJs excuse.
"It's just a coincidence"
"They're not apart of our group"
"I never knew they were cheating"
"I never asked them to do this"
Not once, not ever, have I said "Danny" is my boy. I don't know who he is, where he came from or why you think I know him.
dduryea May 24 QuoteFlag
Posts: 52
and TJ knows that izzy(Dik Taters) gave his account away to quan (YPC). Safe to say the person that was pointing fingers at others for using multis is in fact using multis on his side to fight his wars.
TJx2ndCx May 24 QuoteFlag
Posts: 199
Lots of accusations going on and no proof... (wanted to post like Sped)
May 24, 07:08:46 Our brave kingdom YPC (1:3) attacked NoMaNsLaNd (1:10) and failed.
May 24, 08:55:01 Our brave kingdom Dik Taters (1:3) attacked NoMaNsLaNd (1:10) and conquered 2,730 planets.
Speaking of him, I notice he hasn't come around today.
Sped you need to have a good cry and let go of all that rage.. maybe masturbate to that dirty midget porn i've heard you like so much..
It will all feel better soon.
matching ip + any sort of interaction (even if its day apart) is cheating. so i am not sure why you are defending these kds, unless you were the one that fckd up with the proxies?
Neither has tj. He is the one im defending
And danny while you are so quick to point out others guild remember you where the one that played at least 2 or 3 different kds 1st, izzy quit and gave laser queen his account after his account got destroyed because he though high goons was a viable defence. Whether or not people asked you to do shit you still had the option of saying no
You had the option of only playing 1 account. You chose not to
. Instead you chose to run all over the uni accusing everyone else of what you your self are guilty of..
We picked our side and whatever so called betral/backstabbing/lowblows we stood by our side
Can you say the same you little fkn weasel
Sure i dont like Rob and his bots but he is atleast open with it, all others brag how good they are and then all of a sudden proof comes and ofc they cheat..