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edited September 2015 in General


  • go die in a fire.
  • #imrelatedtothisbigotlol
    #blacklivesmatter has become just as bigoted, if not more. At least your brother has the common sense to not hate himself for his skin color, nor feel guilty about it.
  • Being white makes me guilty due to living 1000 feet from the beach and not taking any sun...

    this lack of tan is enerving...i need more black in my skin... (oooh, tease! lol)

  • #imrelatedtothisbigotlol
    #blacklivesmatter has become just as bigoted, if not more. At least your brother has the common sense to not hate himself for his skin color, nor feel guilty about it.
    theres also a few of us who just #dontwatchthenewsorreadthepaper
  • Whoa how'd I miss this shit...
  • Whoa how'd I miss this shit...
    you were too busy sucking that third world cock
  • edited September 2015
    I've been in IMU unit in Kingwood Texas hospital for 5 days, there's been no way
  • my kids are brown and white lol.... just so silly the news and papers... everyone's life's matter people just blowing stuff way way out of proportion.. Chris I'm not a bigot I'm a realist
  • Next thing is there going to over charge a Asian lady at a 7-11 opposed to a Israel man and everyone will start boycotting 7-11's and #AsainsMoniesMatter will begin!
  • Nonsense Ice. Instead of support for the asian lady everyone would just jew bash.
  • I love how sensitive our Jew bashing american society is.
  • But, First...... Let me take a selfie.
  • I bet your selfies look great. :x
  • Hey I do! Monsta .. T - Monsta...

    Hey how are those black people doing by the way. I never met one in real life.,
  • Get off your goddamn computer, go out into the world and learn something. This is embarrassing.
  • Your mom is embarrassing.
  • You're either 12 or a 35 year old virgin.
  • Try a third category. Maybe I'll fit in that one.
  • What do black people eat... fried chicken??? I really wish I could meet one
  • edited January 2016
    I had to deal with extreme racism at work from my manager the last two years. He kept telling lies to the main boss saying I did all these negative things that you could see were not true because the logs stated otherwise. Yes he was black and told me everything I had was due to white privilege. He was faking his job and cheating so it appeared he brought in four times what others could. Almost every conversation with him revolved around him being black and management hating him, because he was this innocent black person and whitey hated him. Several had been fired for being unable to keep the pace including a friend I brought in who he fucked over hard for being white and played gauntlet on his bonus. Nobody could match what he was bringing in and along with his other manager buddy they colluded to take over. He would tell the main manager I insulted her and her family that worked there. I would get screamed at her face would turn bright red over anything. We're talking people with bright red faces jumping up and down, telling me nobody cared about me or my family, and finally touching me. When they made the mistake of touching me I put my foot down and let them know it was not going to be acceptable, and of course that hand was slapped down. No matter how much they fucked with me I still hit my numbers because, well, as you guys know I have amazing luck when people are fucking with me. Everyone knew I was about to be fired as this is a never ending game they had been playing long before I arrived. He had lots of nice cars and would flaunt them and act like a crack dealer, well he was actually and also a cop previously plus special ops. He also threatened my family indirectly by making references to kidnapping my kid if I was not submissive.

    So I decided to show him how conspiracy works on my end. I continued acting like I believed his lies that he was the one keeping me there. I turned the spies he was using by telling them what he had said about them and they gave me more info. When you have someone bringing you back info it helps if you aren't conspiring against that person at the same time, just saying. I began leaving voice mails to his phone with spoofed IDs and a voice synthesizer. These messages would elude to the weird conspiracies he was weaving. Then I trapped him at his desk and said am I whitey? I challenged him to step outside and fight me in front of them all. He refused and I called him a pussy ass bitch.

    He makes the mistake and invites me into a conference with HR and the main managers. I had already flipped HR he was trying to screw them too. His spies would not confirm what he was saying even though they were there when I did it. Then I accused him of stealing and how he had done it, especially how he used a constant turnover to steal and take credit for money those people would have brought in. The rest was just completely fake he was taking credit for things that had nothing at all to do with him, in fact he wasn't even supposed to be anywhere near them yet. I exposed all of his lies, and again I called him a bitch. I put in for a week vacation when I got back to my desk and they accepted.

    While I was gone he got canned along with his friend he brought on to take my position. He destroyed property. He beat up filing cabinets, threatened them all, and tried to punch out the front glass door but failed. I never got confirmation on his hand if it was broken, but I like to believe that at the least it hurt like hell. Then he tried to get people to steal our patient list for him, clearly a HIPPA violation and criminal as fuck. I have been in his position ever since. Welcome to conspiracy mother fucker I lied. I am not the person I led you to believe and I have known hustlers my whole life. I know where he lives, who he hangs out with, and I know his routine. Welcome to my world you should have seen the signs and pulled back. I SK in real life bitch get wrecked. If you want something to cry about and you need to make it up... mother fucker I will give you something real to cry about.

    All lives matter and you can shove that racist bullshit up your ass. Don't ever fucking use your black card on Irish blood you callous fucking bitch.
  • Real talk all xFCX leaders are mother fuckers you dont fuck with. :)..
  • edited January 2016
    My child is also white and brown Ice. Screw the haters. The conspiracy is obvious with blacklivesmatter just trace it back to the money. You can see who finances it and it's the same players financing the bullshit in the Ukraine, and trying to shift around these refugees.
  • Excellent, 9/10 would read again
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