Playstation one is based on the real cards. Been out since the early 90's. Loads of fun. Big tournaments are awful though, unless properly ventilated...
I was so butt mad at my event. The guy who beat me in the first round lost every match afterwards. He got lucky with a ban bolster nonsense while I was trying to figure out where the mulligan point was for my deck.
Best card I ever got at a prerelease was a foil stone forge mystic. Sold that thing for $115 last summer
*blows the dust off of his 8th edition and much older cards*
Let's do this.
I haven't played or bought anything since Mirrodin. Miss it sometimes
I sold all my non-standard cards when Eldrazi came out though. I've collected a bunch more since though.
I get my magic in when I have those rare moments of hanging out with my friends in omaha.