You're all aboard a ship for a 7 days cruise around the world. Each of you got an invitation from an unknown source, but decided to go anyway, because you all worked hard and deserved such vacation time.
The ship is not big, but has a pool, cassino lounge, restaurant, open air bar and 25 rooms. After a good relaxing night of sleep, you're all called to the deck for a great feast, only to notice the ship is moving at 800knots. So falling will probably prove fatal. Too bad someone had to die for you people to realize that. But at least there is some hightech windcutter technology installed. Still, Walls and Darubian managed to get hit by pelican poop.
Right now you're all at the party, dressed casually. At some point, a wild Loafery roams to the port side of the ship and notices a trail of blood. He leans in to check further and notices a small boat with a pirate flag in it.
-That wasn't an accident, after all.
Loafery returns to the party and completely forgets to mention anything. Couple hours of partying later, he trips and breaks his nose. Luckily, all the bleeding reminded him to announce that there are pirates aboard the ship partying with them.
btw, u know that 20 knots is only 23 mph which is not fatal at all....... unless ur like under the age of 4 and it's most likely not the fall that would kill you, but the drowning that happens afterwards because of your inability to swim.
btw, u know that 20 knots is only 23 mph which is not fatal at all....... unless ur like under the age of 4 and it's most likely not the fall that would kill you, but the drowning that happens afterwards because of your inability to swim.
Today's cruise ship usually travels at just over 20 knots. The fall itself rarely proves fatal however it is likely you may knock yourself unconscious. With the height of ships today it's pretty likely. It's really unfortunate that most who fall into the sea intentionally or not are rarely found. Considering most cruise ships never sail alone as they all take the same routes and usually disembark within minutes of one another.
I love Navy fatigues. Ocean blue. You stand out on deck amidst all the metal, but hey, when a man goes overboard those cammies blend right in. At first I thought it was stupid, but then when they announced the force reduction (40000 for AF) last year the light bulb went on.
btw, u know that 20 knots is only 23 mph which is not fatal at all....... unless ur like under the age of 4 and it's most likely not the fall that would kill you, but the drowning that happens afterwards because of your inability to swim.
Today's cruise ship usually travels at just over 20 knots. The fall itself rarely proves fatal however it is likely you may knock yourself unconscious. With the height of ships today it's pretty likely. It's really unfortunate that most who fall into the sea intentionally or not are rarely found. Considering most cruise ships never sail alone as they all take the same routes and usually disembark within minutes of one another.
its ok, made it 800 knots now, makes sense since it will (try/pretend to) go around the world in 7 days
SHIP's CREW 1. Captain: The guy that runs the place. Power addict, likes to play with the lives of others. Knows Chief Officer. *Each night he can order that someone else's role be randomly changed from Ship Guest to either Lightbearer(G), Fisherman(G) or Striker(E). This effect takes place only at the end of night. 2. Chief Officer: Second in command, knows Captain. *Can protect one person each night. Cannot protect the Captain. If captain dies, he can forfeit his protection power and take his place. 3. Deck Cadet: The military and lawmaker in the ship, knows his way around giving and receiving orders. *Can lock someone each night. *One time only, he can kill someone during the day (He chooses how :P). 4. Chief Engineer: Keep the ship in one piece along with his trusted assistant. Have hightech gadgets at his disposal. Knows Second Engineer. *May invent each night. If Second engineer dies, he may only invent once every 2 nights. 5. Second Enginner: Proud assistant and soon to be his boss's successor. Knows Chief Engineer. *After Chief Enginner dies, he may invent once each 2 days and they only trigger at day. (Inventions have from 50 to 95% of working, depending on how complex they are. More complex = more chance of working, so be creative :P) 6. Cook: Keep the crew well fed and healthy. Has an obscure past. *If he is killed by a Striker, the striker dies as well. *Only one time, he can protect up to 3 people at the same time, limited by the number of deaths in last day and last night cycles.
Special Crew Roles: Lightbearer: Every night he will randomly block or seer one target. Fisherman: Gain the power to make one night match kill.
Pirates!!! YAAAR 7, 8, 9 Strikers: Killers of people, plain and simple. They know each other. *Can kill one person each night. If they target the Cook, the striker that took the shot will die as well. 10. Bard: Teller of stories, a perfect charmer. *Knows if targeted by a role and can choose to deflect it into a random person. Cannot redirect it to the one who targeted him. If a striker targets him, the kill fails and they join teams. 11.Gunner: Knows his way around powders and cannons, a little bit crazy though. Twice in the game he can blind a random person and block his night action. (Used at night) Twice in the game he can deaf a random person and block his day action. (Used at day) One time in the game he can blast a part of the ship killing 2 people at random. Cannot be used in the first night/day cycle. After that, it can be used anytime.
Ships Guests: 12,13,14,15,16. Villagers: Your everyday common citizen, can change the world with the power of their votes. Kudos to democracy!
You're all aboard a ship for a 7 days cruise around the world. Each of you got an invitation from an unknown source, but decided to go anyway, because you all worked hard and deserved such vacation time.
The ship is not big, but has a pool, cassino lounge, restaurant, open air bar and 25 rooms. After a good relaxing night of sleep, you're all called to the deck for a great feast, only to notice the ship is moving at 800knots. So falling will probably prove fatal. Too bad someone had to die for you people to realize that. But at least there is some hightech windcutter technology installed. Still, Walls and Darubian managed to get hit by pelican poop.
Right now you're all at the party, dressed casually. At some point, a wild Loafery roams to the port side of the ship and notices a trail of blood. He leans in to check further and notices a small boat with a pirate flag in it.
-That wasn't an accident, after all.
Loafery returns to the party and completely forgets to mention anything. Couple hours of partying later, he trips and breaks his nose. Luckily, all the bleeding reminded him to announce that there are pirates aboard the ship partying with them.
(how do i change font color?
btw, u know that 20 knots is only 23 mph
which is not fatal at all.......
unless ur like under the age of 4
and it's most likely not the fall that would kill you, but the drowning that happens afterwards because of your inability to swim.
I finally caught the elusive legendary loafery
we got one badass of a pirate on board. we fked son
1. Captain: The guy that runs the place. Power addict, likes to play with the lives of others. Knows Chief Officer.
*Each night he can order that someone else's role be randomly changed from Ship Guest to either Lightbearer(G), Fisherman(G) or Striker(E). This effect takes place only at the end of night.
2. Chief Officer: Second in command, knows Captain.
*Can protect one person each night. Cannot protect the Captain. If captain dies, he can forfeit his protection power and take his place.
3. Deck Cadet: The military and lawmaker in the ship, knows his way around giving and receiving orders.
*Can lock someone each night.
*One time only, he can kill someone during the day (He chooses how :P).
4. Chief Engineer: Keep the ship in one piece along with his trusted assistant. Have hightech gadgets at his disposal. Knows Second Engineer.
*May invent each night. If Second engineer dies, he may only invent once every 2 nights.
5. Second Enginner: Proud assistant and soon to be his boss's successor. Knows Chief Engineer.
*After Chief Enginner dies, he may invent once each 2 days and they only trigger at day.
(Inventions have from 50 to 95% of working, depending on how complex they are. More complex = more chance of working, so be creative :P)
6. Cook: Keep the crew well fed and healthy. Has an obscure past.
*If he is killed by a Striker, the striker dies as well.
*Only one time, he can protect up to 3 people at the same time, limited by the number of deaths in last day and last night cycles.
Special Crew Roles:
Lightbearer: Every night he will randomly block or seer one target.
Fisherman: Gain the power to make one night match kill.
Pirates!!! YAAAR
7, 8, 9 Strikers: Killers of people, plain and simple. They know each other.
*Can kill one person each night. If they target the Cook, the striker that took the shot will die as well.
10. Bard: Teller of stories, a perfect charmer.
*Knows if targeted by a role and can choose to deflect it into a random person. Cannot redirect it to the one who targeted him. If a striker targets him, the kill fails and they join teams.
11.Gunner: Knows his way around powders and cannons, a little bit crazy though.
Twice in the game he can blind a random person and block his night action. (Used at night)
Twice in the game he can deaf a random person and block his day action. (Used at day)
One time in the game he can blast a part of the ship killing 2 people at random. Cannot be used in the first night/day cycle. After that, it can be used anytime.
Ships Guests:
12,13,14,15,16. Villagers: Your everyday common citizen, can change the world with the power of their votes. Kudos to democracy!
(why would the captain make someone a striker? that would seem to be against his win condition o.0)
okay ^^