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That which We shall not discuss - Round 3

edited December 2014 in General
Anyone going to own up? I predict a powerless finish for top 10.


  • By the sounds of it, they are already powerless. Or should be playing powerless by default already.
  • Then, what would be the point in all the multis? A take over of SLs? What else can be done with a handful of newbie multis?
  • Depends on the numbers. Failing to bring down units, however small it can change the rankings. Or they could be probe heavy and mass kidnap to screw someones pop / even kill them if not active and overflowing.
  • lets assume 300 land DW multies with lets say 3-4k goons out of newb? they will do some damage by numbers if they all target 1 person....
  • They should just get 1k probes and make the whole server powerless and kidnap everyone to death
  • They should just get 1k probes and make the whole server powerless and kidnap everyone to death
  • I see it. At least 4.

    ~getting another box of popcorn~ lets call it movie night when they come out of newbie mode
    Baking more cookies...

  • alright 1:18 is losing SL to multies
  • a ton of sectors are losing sl to multis..i think they are butthurt about something..who know s what though..they may target tops is my guess
  • i like to see them target tops. And i will be ..aha, that's Bcart doing it!
  • OI i'm like #3 pr 4 can't remeber
  • I find it hilarious that the default method for a noob to get back at anyone these days is to multi their asses off. Yeah, cause that will make people regret destroying your trash kingdoms when the round is almost over anyway.
  • All this DW food just for me?! THANK YOU BASED MULTIER!
  • I would start with who got fucked over recently. It would seem fairly simple to pinpoint who the multi leader was, but I'm going to safely say its robtomo because of his orgasmic Jesus and ratchet ass bottom twink pictures...

    But I could be wrong.
  • I find it hilarious that the default method for a noob to get back at anyone these days is to multi their asses off. Yeah, cause that will make people regret destroying your trash kingdoms when the round is almost over anyway.
    XD skydragon your post is full of win....and makes me laugh due to past things
  • It made me laugh while writing it too. Surprised that I managed to successfully post that comment. :)
  • if r/r was even a thing this round, a bunch of noob multis could pk a r/r that is offline :D

    but making them DW would be retard status
  • if r/r was even a thing this round, a bunch of noob multis could pk a r/r that is offline :D

    but making them DW would be retard status
    omg is this a confession? :O

  • can the person in charge of the multies kindly target twilight

    i'll even throw my sector into offensive to make it easier!
  • @Azalieo Dude all I see is you complaining about Twilight in every post.......lets not forget YOU GUYS STARTED THE WAR!!!!!

    Bottom line Dont Write Checks Your A$$ Cant Cash!

    as to the DW multis this is definitely going to suck for someone and is a big reason the game is in the state it is now a days.
  • Us guys? Bitch I don't even have an alliance. I'm just saying you are a pussy for calling in help. Grab a tampon on your way out.
  • Mike got slapped into place there, lol.
  • Not really......He/She was in the alliance when the war started but their sector got butt rapped so hard they had to bail out. So my statement still stands.

    As to the tampon comment we arnt the ones with the bleeding a$$ maybe you should keep them for your selves.
  • nope, try again kiddo, i've not been in greatness all round. i actually started in twilight and left due to epic faggottry (fuck you all, its a word now)
  • The next mike, you need to check your facts..
  • yes you were not in Greatness, 1:3 was however in Bloodsport....who also declared war on Twilight. Stop trying to delude the facts.
  • December 3, 12:39:57 the [Greatness] alliance has declared war with the [Twilight] alliance.
    December 3, 12:48:29 the [Bloodsport] alliance has declared war with the [Twilight] alliance.
    December 3, 13:20:04 the [Bloodsport] alliance has declared a nap with the [Greatness] alliance.

    FACT you declared on us and then got what you were asking for.
  • i was not in bloodsport when that happened, we've been outside of an alliance for over a week now
  • Barricade owns the Multis.
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