October 28, 22:15:29 Our kingdom LokiX (1:18) bravely defended against lazyT (2:20) and lost 36 planets.
lazyT (2:20)
Kingdom Logo
Kingdom Information
Planet Type: Desert Wasteland
Networth: 51,893 (227)
Land: 389 (283)
Honor: 1,204 (241)
Networth/Land Ratio: 133.40 (100)
Online (Last 10 minutes): No
Contact Information
E-Mail Address: None
ICQ Number: None
MSN Address: None
Yahoo Pager: None
AIM Address: None
Last Login:
IPvSK2: 506-91-41-96 - More than 3 hours ago.
User has logged in using:
IPvSK2: 506-91-41-96
October 28, 22:15:52 Our kingdom LokiX (1:18) bravely defended against Lieznek (2:19) and lost 31 planets.
Lieznek (2:19)
Kingdom Logo
Kingdom Information
Planet Type: Desert Wasteland
Networth: 55,728 (160)
Land: 432 (217)
Honor: 1,228 (198)
Networth/Land Ratio: 129.00 (134)
Online (Last 10 minutes): No
Contact Information
E-Mail Address: None
ICQ Number: None
MSN Address: None
Yahoo Pager: None
AIM Address: None
Last Login:
IPvSK2: 506-91-41-96 - More than 3 hours ago.
User has logged in using:
IPvSK2: 506-91-41-96
October 28, 22:16:36 Our kingdom LokiX (1:18) has entered trouble mode. Aid will be accepted for 12 hours
October 28, 22:16:36 Our kingdom LokiX (1:18) bravely defended against Floot (2:14) and lost 27 planets.
October 28, 22:16:41 Our kingdom LokiX (1:18) bravely defended against Floot (2:14) and was victorious.
Floot (2:14)
Kingdom Logo
Kingdom Information
Planet Type: Desert Wasteland
Networth: 53,373 (208)
Land: 428 (232)
Honor: 1,228 (198)
Networth/Land Ratio: 124.70 (175)
Online (Last 10 minutes): No
Contact Information
E-Mail Address: None
ICQ Number: None
MSN Address: None
Yahoo Pager: None
AIM Address: None
Last Login:
IPvSK2: 506-91-41-96 - More than 3 hours ago.
User has logged in using:
IPvSK2: 506-91-41-96
lazyT (X:10,Y:7) Desert Wasteland 423 50,268 1,260
Lieznek (X:10,Y:2) Desert Wasteland 417 48,812 1,228
#3 stacey (X:9,Y:2) Desert Wasteland 406 48,232 1,224
Creepy Spider (X:6,Y:2) Desert Wasteland 417 36,771 1,233
DainDain (X:8,Y:4) Desert Wasteland 367 35,899 1,196
NotNorAld (X:9,Y:6) Desert Wasteland 417 48,479 1,233
Floot (X:1,Y:4) Desert Wasteland 414 48,985 1,228
LandofGates (X:3,Y:8) Desert Wasteland 413 49,474 1,224
Mister Pikachu (X:10,Y:7) Desert Wasteland 400 46,802 1,227
MasiofBrad (X:1,Y:10) Desert Wasteland 299 26,707 1,147
Kaseylol (X:8,Y:8) Desert Wasteland 417 49,100 1,200
Krone2 (X:5,Y:1) Desert Wasteland 394 36,654 1,226
SalivaMan (X:1,Y:1) Desert Wasteland 407 41,408 1,226
Lukerules (X:6,Y:3) Desert Wasteland 407 49,585 1,224
The man of Scat (X:2,Y:9) Desert Wasteland 417 49,574 1,200
IP 506.91.41.96
Steven Seagull (X:2,Y:4)
TyzaL (X:1,Y:6)
FiveSidedDie (X:5,Y:1)
The man of Scat (X:2,Y:9)
Lukerules (X:6,Y:3)
SalivaMan (X:1,Y:1)
Obscenitore (X:1,Y:9)
Krone2 (X:5,Y:1)
Advent DK (X:9,Y:6)
Del Taco (X:6,Y:3)
Kaseylol (X:8,Y:8)
Solmyr (X:2,Y:1)
MasiofBrad (X:1,Y:10)
no youre a cheater (X:10,Y:4)
Tony Da Tiger (X:5,Y:1)
Turtley (X:3,Y:10)
Mister Pikachu (X:10,Y:7)
Edward Van Butts (X:5,Y:8)
CatMaster (X:4,Y:9)
LandofGates (X:3,Y:8)
Jacob Smith (X:1,Y:10)
Darker Peter (X:10,Y:9)
Draskyl (X:9,Y:9)
So fresh n soclean (X:6,Y:10)
Birdy Bird (X:5,Y:1)
Frank Sinatra (X:6,Y:7)
Floot (X:1,Y:4)
SurlyBever (X:3,Y:8)
TrainofPain (X:5,Y:3)
Lynog hasGonorrhea (X:7,Y:9)
NotNorAld (X:9,Y:6)
TuefelFisch (X:4,Y:2)
Creepy Spider (X:6,Y:2)
DainDain (X:8,Y:4)
stacey (X:9,Y:2)
Lieznek (X:10,Y:2)
BRobot (X:6,Y:10)
lazyT (X:10,Y:7)
my mom got disabled
Quadraplegics ftw.
(October 29, 10:00:08)
Action: Spy on Kingdom
Losses: We lost a total of 0 probes in this mission.
Report: The probes have come back with a report that is 97% accurate:
Name: Sir lazyT
Planets: 388
Networth: 53,157
Honor: 1,204
Platinum: 378,612
Power: 27,160
Population: 8,287
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Desert Wasteland
Soldiers: 720
Troopers: 0
Dragoons: 1,077
Fighters: 0
Laser Troopers: 0
Tanks: 641
Scientists: Unknown
Probes: Unknown
The probes have come back with a report that is 100% accurate:
Home Leader War Leader #1 War Leader #2 War Leader #3 War Leader #4
Soldiers 506 0 0 0 0
Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
Dragoons 100 181 182 365 0
Laser Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
Tanks 703 0 0 0 0
October 31, 15:46:47 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Mister Pikachu (2:8) and lost 80 planets.
October 31, 15:48:37 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against SalivaMan (2:2) and lost 68 planets.
October 31, 15:49:40 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Krone2 (2:5) and was victorious.
October 31, 15:53:15 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against LandofGates (2:10) and was victorious.
October 31, 15:54:18 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against stacey (2:19) and was victorious.
October 31, 15:55:20 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against DainDain (2:17) and was victorious.
October 31, 15:56:48 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Creepy Spider (2:17) and was victorious.
October 31, 15:57:12 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against The man of Scat (2:1) and was victorious.
October 31, 15:57:15 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against The man of Scat (2:1) and was victorious.
October 31, 15:57:43 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) has entered trouble mode. Aid will be accepted for 12 hours
October 31, 15:57:43 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Kaseylol (2:6) and lost 59 planets.
October 31, 15:59:39 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against MasiofBrad (2:7) and was victorious.
October 31, 16:00:06 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against FiveSidedDie (2:1) and lost 54 planets.
October 31, 16:00:08 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against FiveSidedDie (2:1) and lost 46 planets.
October 31, 16:01:16 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against TuefelFisch (2:17) and was victorious.
October 31, 16:01:20 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) has entered trouble mode. Aid will be accepted for 12 hours
October 31, 16:01:20 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against TuefelFisch (2:17) and lost 40 planets.
October 31, 16:03:47 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against TrainofPain (2:15) and lost 34 planets.
October 31, 16:03:49 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against TrainofPain (2:15) and lost 29 planets.
October 31, 16:03:51 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against TrainofPain (2:15) and lost 25 planets.
October 31, 16:04:49 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Edward Van Butts (2:9) and lost 22 planets.
October 31, 16:04:51 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Edward Van Butts (2:9) and lost 19 planets.
October 31, 16:04:54 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Edward Van Butts (2:9) and lost 16 planets.
October 31, 16:07:57 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Obscenitore (2:5) and was victorious.
October 31, 16:07:59 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Obscenitore (2:5) and lost 15 planets.
October 31, 16:08:00 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Obscenitore (2:5) and lost 15 planets.
October 31, 16:08:01 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Obscenitore (2:5) and lost 14 planets.
October 31, 16:08:52 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Tony Da Tiger (2:8) and lost 13 planets.
October 31, 16:08:53 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Tony Da Tiger (2:8) and lost 13 planets.
October 31, 16:08:55 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Tony Da Tiger (2:8) and lost 12 planets.
October 31, 16:12:23 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Darker Peter (2:11) and lost 11 planets.
October 31, 16:12:26 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Darker Peter (2:11) and lost 11 planets.
October 31, 16:12:29 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Darker Peter (2:11) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:13:24 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Del Taco (2:6) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:13:26 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Del Taco (2:6) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:13:26 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Del Taco (2:6) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:13:27 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Del Taco (2:6) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:14:56 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against PANDA POWER (2:19) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:14:58 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against PANDA POWER (2:19) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:14:59 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against PANDA POWER (2:19) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:15:00 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against PANDA POWER (2:19) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:16:11 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Draskyl (2:12) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:16:16 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Draskyl (2:12) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:16:19 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Draskyl (2:12) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:17:08 Aid has been sent from our kingdom White City (1:18) to Veii (1:18).
October 31, 16:17:29 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Advent DK (2:6) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:17:32 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Advent DK (2:6) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:17:35 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Advent DK (2:6) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:17:45 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against Advent DK (2:6) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:19:24 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against SurlyBever (2:15) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:19:27 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against SurlyBever (2:15) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:19:33 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against SurlyBever (2:15) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:20:26 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against GODDAMNITMICHAEL (2:8) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:20:27 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against GODDAMNITMICHAEL (2:8) and lost 10 planets.
October 31, 16:20:29 Our kingdom Veii (1:18) bravely defended against GODDAMNITMICHAEL (2:8) and lost 3 planets.
October 31, 16:22:57 Our brave kingdom smile (1:18) attacked TuefelFisch (2:17) and conquered 46 planets.
I'm picturing someone logging into each account to attack. Then I feel sad for them.
how mature
I am waiting for the next post about balls.
Here it is: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dark-fox-18066/