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lol how many ppl remember these guys?



  • Yeah, I agree with Newb.

    Maybe it's slacker? he had a bunch of names and was a dutchie...

    auf was a very good player, slacker was just active as hell :P
    they are most definitely not the same person though

    also, for those speaking about slacker looking weird, at some point he had a jedi tail in his hair, but other than that the only strange thing he had going for his looks was(is) a bone growth at the lower side of his torso that we used to call his third boob.
    He must have retired before my time, or I just never knew him.

    Thanks for clearing that up cer!
    Didn't slacker play all the way up into V2? We have crossed paths in the past if I remember correctly.
  • He didn't play much in v2. He mainly just talked in the General forum and on IRC.
  • The person(s) you are the most like is/are Mindstorm! (44%).

    haha, and I hated that asshole.
    All these people, are about at least gone for at least 10 years. ..

  • edited October 2014
    The person(s) you are the most like is/are Mindstorm! (44%).

    haha, and I hated that asshole.
    only 44% Rohan.

    You hated him that much, so you retain the 56% to yourself.
    This is to remind you how you love to hate him. :)

    For some reason, he has a card.
    Maybe, we know him well enough, we fought them every single round.
  • oh man, some of the answers are hilarious
  • The person(s) you are the most like is/are Onslaught and Elegy! (36%).

    You are not at all like Vindicator (20%).
    You are not at all like Sephiroth (16%).
    You are not at all like Depressland (20%).
    You are not at all like Forlorn Hope (20%).
    You are not very much like Lord Amoeba (28%).
    You are a bit like Onslaught (36%).
    You are a little bit like Gypsy (32%).
    You are a bit like Elegy (36%).
    You are not at all like Maniac Mansion (20%).
    You are not very much like Ainex (28%).
    You are not at all like Omni (12%).
    You are not at all like Auf Schalke (16%).
    You are not at all like Mindstorm (20%).
    You are not at all like Storlock (20%).
    You are a little bit like Neithan (32%).
    You are not very much like Bahamut (24%).
    You are not very much like Death (24%).
    You are not very much like Tarana (24%).
  • I remember all of those people. Half of them weren't even all that relevant in the politics at the time either, vindicator was just a gigantic brown noser to keep his kingdoms.
  • vindi and has rabbits LOL fucking virgins
  • vindi and has rabbits LOL fucking virgins

    That speaks to 90% of the sk community through their hs
  • Who is mav?
  • Uh, Neithan and Bahamut. No idea who anyone is.
  • Who is mav?
    You probably know him from original beta. Bcart's bitch or mine if Bcart bowed to cook some more cookies for me.

    Also, Mav is down to earth and shy, reliable to fix server bugs when he has time. Can't recall if Mav ever played as an SK player, or just played to test the bugs.

    If ever I meet him in person, I will buy him a beer, or offer Tequila if that's his poison.

    Mav=Aza! bleh!!
    ~ashy hides~

  • The person(s) you are the most like is/are Elegy and Maniac Mansion and Mindstorm and Death! (52%).
    You are not very much like Lord Amoeba (28%).

    I just want to point out, back in the day people compared me to LotA a good bit.
    Yeah, you reminds me of Lord A. Are you sure you did not have a twin?
  • The person(s) you are the most like is/are Mindstorm! (44%).

    haha, and I hated that asshole.
    only 44% Rohan.

    You hated him that much, so you retain the 56% to yourself.
    This is to remind you how you love to hate him. :)

    For some reason, he has a card.
    Maybe, we know him well enough, we fought them every single round.
    Mind was an asshat, but I respected him. He was a bad ass player hands down. I think its was that we were very much alike in our own special way, but I didn't inherit the sk gene of awesomeness like he did :P
  • The person(s) you are the most like is/are Gypsy! (56%).
  • That's a good thing lol
  • The person(s) you are the most like is/are Elegy! (56%).
    You are much like Vindicator (48%).
    You are not very much like Sephiroth (28%).
    You are not at all like Depressland (16%).
    You are not at all like Forlorn Hope (20%).
    You are not at all like Lord Amoeba (20%).
    You are a little bit like Onslaught (32%).
    You are a bit like Gypsy (40%).
    You are very much like Elegy (56%).
    You are not very much like Maniac Mansion (28%).
    You are a bit like Ainex (40%).
    You are not very much like Omni (28%).
    You are a little bit like Auf Schalke (32%).
    You are a bit like Mindstorm (40%).
    You are a bit like Storlock (36%).
    You are not very much like Neithan (28%).
    You are not at all like Bahamut (20%).
    You are a bit like Death (36%).
    You are quite much like Tarana (44%).
  • The person(s) you are the most like is/are Maniac Mansion! (48%).
    You are a bit like Vindicator (40%).
    You are not very much like Sephiroth (24%).
    You are not very much like Depressland (28%).
    You are not at all like Forlorn Hope (20%).
    You are not very much like Lord Amoeba (28%).
    You are not very much like Onslaught (28%).
    You are not very much like Gypsy (28%).
    You are a little bit like Elegy (32%).
    You are much like Maniac Mansion (48%).
    You are a bit like Ainex (36%).
    You are a little bit like Omni (32%).
    You are a bit like Auf Schalke (40%).
    You are a little bit like Mindstorm (32%).
    You are a little bit like Storlock (32%).
    You are a little bit like Neithan (32%).
    You are not very much like Bahamut (24%).
    You are not very much like Death (24%).
    You are a bit like Tarana (40%).
  • Elegy is popular.
  • edited October 2014
    The person(s) you are the most like is/are Maniac Mansion! (52%).
    You are quite much like Vindicator (44%).
    You are not at all like Sephiroth (20%).
    You are a little bit like Depressland (32%).
    You are a bit like Forlorn Hope (40%).
    You are a bit like Lord Amoeba (36%).
    You are not very much like Onslaught (28%).
    You are a bit like Gypsy (36%).
    You are quite much like Elegy (44%).
    You are much like Maniac Mansion (52%).
    You are much like Ainex (48%).
    You are a bit like Omni (40%).
    You are a little bit like Auf Schalke (32%).
    You are much like Mindstorm (48%).
    You are a little bit like Storlock (32%).
  • Or Seph, nw who're
  • Davids still salty Bwahahaha :))
  • I have not really played along Maniac? Either he was not social or not, or he left before I was active.
  • MM was one of the founders of xMGx Ash... Mary was his second in command and they had close ties to Mafia
  • ash, if you find mav, cant you have him return here to fix this mess instead of bcart?
  • i want a new ui
  • MM was one of the founders of xMGx Ash... Mary was his second in command and they had close ties to Mafia
    oh yes yes, Mary (shining star), that's right M and M, now I remember. The joys of getting old.
    Thanks Greg!

  • ash, if you find mav, cant you have him return here to fix this mess instead of bcart?
    I think Bcart really lack the coding skills, but don't quote me on that. SK won't be here, unless he has that skill, don't know just how far we can trust it.
    It is always Mav that does the back office, I will have to make sure I have enough bake cookies for Mav. "Mav is God, err the good one".

  • The person(s) you are the most like is/are Elegy and Maniac Mansion and Mindstorm and Death! (52%).
    You are not very much like Lord Amoeba (28%).

    I just want to point out, back in the day people compared me to LotA a good bit.
    Yeah, you reminds me of Lord A. Are you sure you did not have a twin?
    No, but we did have a spam competition to 2k posts...and I won by about 50 posts...and then I had a normal inactive time and came back and he had by far the most posts of everyone.
  • You guys are indeed twin.
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