what is sk,? I found this in our sector forums
I'm putting up our first KT. Please help us to get our sector clean from cheaters, ther are already enough on this server, let us at least keep the sector CLEAN !
comment came from Cagde (1:3)
did rules change in this game or what! wow did he probe me badly, and nuked.
never was never will be plus I think he was just testing his nukes out
no sence of retal unless you thought the hit was unfair
since when we have been able to hit own kingdoms, it's been a while since I played
all you could of say was you gotta kill off your kingdom and restart on S1
I was wondering if there was another way to do it, besides being a multi, which I am not, nor do I want to know how to create one.
I just got the funny
never mind
just click signup again and signup to terranova
also, ignore neg hes a retard and nobody likes him
you don't even know what spamming is
but it's where its over and over and over
repeats it self constantly
you were right about spam, I thinking of a spam virus and something he did before to cause harm to the forums
can someone delete it please?
if you send him a starkingdoms mail he might fix you right up m8
Ask him to roll back your tears and bloody vagina that immediately followed too!