You didn't even answer my question
Stop riding his cock and give the better AL (cobras) some credit
Atleast he isn't arrogant enough to make pointless threads like this
Cobras is a better AL than moogle
Show me something moogle has done that compared with the stunner round. You can't.
Losing Cobras is more of a disappointment to this game than losing moogle.
i didnt know anything about what he was doing
unlike you qwj i dont waste my time replying to people like darius 100 times in a day about whos lying about the size of their cock
i signed up and joined a random sector. saw lots of stacks & dead…
I'll be honest I was assuming that the bad guys couldn't talk to each other other because they played so bad.
I had no suspicions of you being evil dirty because your posts during this game gave no reason to be suss. Good go m8
That was his words. I don't think the midfield is the best but it has alot of potential. You can't deny ox, Walcott, Ramsay, wilshere as having big years coming up.
And they are British talent that you should want to see succeed regardless of you b…
i was going to require people to post every day phase or face an inactivity lynch. my plan was to give a longer day/night phase and define the time when phase is ending to be compensate for the activity requirement.
I've been thinking about running one for a while. A simple Aussie themed game with kangaroos instead of werewolves perhaps.
I also had another idea based on the backpacker murders.
I would also make the rules more strict in an attempt to improve …
I feel that flazer is a good target to lynch. He has lacked involvement all game and even almost quitting as seen before. It is a safe choice I feel.
lynch flazer and myself nimrod for mayor