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  • 1. Ok, heres the spradsheet i took 1 tick before my hit.It's not hard to find he's inactive when that sector didnt have solar/nano for a few ticks prior to my hit The Sector Of: [Delirium] (1:14) Kingdom Name (Sector Coords) Planet Type Planets …
  • i know you said sure im asking TheNobody
  • first, you think i bankfarm? check my SoB second, you went back to the argument of "you are bigger than me, you cheat" which has nothing to do witg the proof third, im not asking YOU to provide proof but im saying ME will provide proof forth , if…
  • Its a losing bet he already deleted all his farms except for maybe a bank/probe farm. But this is what SK is today I've learned to not care and play my game. It was obvious early you had the highest income in the game give us some tips on how you …
  • you just trying to divert the point here posting on side account or picking a planet type have nothing to do with my proposal so, you have the balls to accept it?
  • so, Sped / Viva / TheNobody any of you have balls to accept my proposal? guess not, accusing better players of cheating and trying to get them killed is your speciality afterall
  • Playing DW and being #1 is like bringing a gun to a knife fight. If I have 4000 tanks, and a DW has 3900 tanks, that 112500 money that he hasn't spent on tanks can purchase 3629 goons. Playing DW is hard. actually, you have to take the soldiers…
  • My dear Sped, you think ill have matching IP and farm? ok, heres better deal for you and last of my offer I will provide proof of me hitting those kds legitly and you popkill yourself (that includes viva, Nobody and whoever thinks im cheating) We…
  • Heres my proporsal for those who accuse me of cheating If you can post a SOLID proof of me cheating, i'll popkill my kd. If I can post a SOLID proof of me finding those kds(besides the SoK and SoS provided by lil miss meadows), you popkill your kd…