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  • Dank that's the problem with this game. The players were its worst enemy. Cheating was rampant and botting was crazy even back in my days. A player shouldn't need to hide their identity just to avoid having their kingdom obliterated by multiple bot …
  • I still have all my old SK data, AIM chat logs, random photos of people and crap like that. Should really delete it all. I don't remember the community being that great. Apart from a few decent people it felt like everyone was out to stab you in th…
  • "I still remember" How do you remember that but I forgot it existed until you mentioned it? SK was a massive waste of time but there wasn't much else to waste time on in the early 2000s. The game stopped being viable the second you…
  • For me it is morbid curiosity. Same reason I joined the discord but didn't announce it.
  • Just Facebook messenger these days. I might join that discord people keep asking me to join though.
  • Yes I remember you Forlorn. I don't speak with anyone from the SK days, everyone disappeared over the years. I would like to know what happened to BCartfall? It seems the SK game was just stopped with no announcement, which is odd.
  • Unfortunately not Forlorn, not sure what happened to her. I don't use Skype or AIM these days but might still have her on an old account. And yes your name is still annoying Cya. Life is good, spend most of my free time seeing the world, console ga…
  • Why? You were declaring me a clicker last time you posted.
  • A clicker? Can I not be a shambler instead? They're a lot scarier.
  • It's good to see someone has made an effort to continue the game in some form. Though I have no interest in playing. I don't have time for games like this any more. I was just checking in to see what's changed over the years.
  • Who even is this Darius n00b anyway? I think this thread has ran its course. See you in 2020.
  • Can we have a bit less talk about SK please? I would have posted in Game Talk if I wanted to talk about the game.
  • I'm surprised you haven't already done so. All my SK-related stuff was deleted a decade ago. My bro tried getting me to come back but I outright refused to. Guess I couldn't keep away forever, lol. But in all honesty, you should play again. I'm not…
  • Not true. They were at least 20 games behind me in that they still played old fashioned high attack kingdoms. I had plenty of those too back when it was actually worth it to compete that way. Exploration strats didn't become popular until the player…
  • Sadly there was no competition back when I left so the only thing left to do was compete against my previous best scores, and that required ever more riskier setups. I was never any good at sucking virtual cock to get the necessary protections in pl…
  • Oh yeah, I forgot towards the end of my days the more common method was to form an alliance with 25+ of the top 30 and the NAP the rest while getting your land from "mates" suiciding on those 5.
  • More the fact I wouldn't have more than ten minutes a day to put into it. To do well in SK you need no job, no social life, no boy/girlfriend, to not go on holiday, willingness to fuck up your sleep pattern and probably more. None of which apply to …
  • I had 320mb of RAM on that machine, shit didn't need much. I'm sure it was slow but so was everything back then. Surprised how many familiar names I see. Don't tell me you all still play this lol. Online gaming has evolved so much in the past decad…
  • Why do people want him to prove it, who gives a shit Exactly. If I gave a shit I'd go install AIM and go message a few people on my old SK usernames. Btw SkyDragon do you mean this kind of gem from 2001?…
  • This debate about what is real and what isn't real is hilarious. Perhaps some people are just having a bad dream. I could indeed prove to SkyDragon but that matters little for anyone else. I could just be his multi afterall.
  • Although people change over the years, I just don't believe that's Sephiroth. Doesn't really type like him either. There are ways of proving it though like giving the names of the people in the Chat we dwelled in before we started playing SK back i…
  • "Anyways, since you're here you can tell me if it was you who played Multiple Terrain one round just because, and if you finished first or not. " I can't even remember what I was doing a year ago nevermind that far back. But it's doubtful as I used…
  • I'm not back, this is a once in a decade thread so make the most of it. :P